Brandon definitely knew Kelsier wasn't gone from the beginning. The Bands of Mourning follows our group of heroes as they begin a quest to find the titular Bands of Mourning, a legendary and extraordinarily powerful artifact. Please note that there are also some spoilers in here for The Stormlight Archive. Issue with this design? Kelsier then made his living as a thief, becoming famous throughout Luthadel. We dont really know if the rebels that stabbed TLR used enough force to get the head of the spear all the way through his body so the metal head of the spear wouldnt be touching him. B. from what I do understand, I don't see why it is relevant, and generally, when something is irrelevant it is wrong simply because it is simply adding more complexity to the books (I think we all know the Cosmere has plenty), and is pointless. TenSoon wears Kelsier's bones to glean information about Vin from Luthadel guards. Paalm has been working with the Set to attempt to break free from Harmonys influence. Ironeyes(fka Marsh): Marsh was Kelsiers brother. the original post says a lot: Are you asking if the rebels were influencedby Ruin? If you dont like this theory, move on. As you can see, Kelsiers been a busy, busy boy. Gave Entrone: An amateur archeologist who insulted Steris at a party. [79], This page or section contains spoilersfor, This page or section needs to be updated with new informationfor, Kelsier to the Lord Ruler, last words before death, This article is still missing information. I am hope. The liquid in the pool you burned. Despite having amassed enough wealth to live comfortably, Kelsier continued planning more heists, looking for bigger challenges in each. All Im saying is that theres no way to definitively know whether or not the metal heads were still inside him. As of Mistborn Era 2, he may be a feruchemist and he has not gained access to allomancy since his death. He was unable to do so and leaves the bit of metal for Vin, asking her in a note to figure it out. Allegedly dead as of the end of TheBands of Mourning, but heyits a Cosmere novel, who knows? Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), 2023 Macmillan | All stories, art, and posts are the copyright of their respective authors, Mistborn Era 2: Everything You Need to Know Before Reading, Centers of Attention in the Very Modern Murder Mysteries of Rian Johnson, Martin Scorsese, Paul Schrader, and Terrence Malick Meet at a Diner to Discuss, The Legacy of Old Tropes: Charles R. Saunders Jeroboam Henleys Debt, Five YA SFF Books Featuring Crews Youll Want to Join, All the Myriad Ways: The Many, Many Faces of the Shapeshifter, Ben Siskos Non-Linear, Non-Binary Arc in, Zoom and Bored Transports the Road Runner and Coyote to a Realm of Funhouse Physics, Reading The Wheel of Time: Subjugation and Surrender in Robert Jordans, 10 Classic Tales for Fans of Swashbuckling and Historical Intrigue. While there, other agents decide to report to Kelsier about the Set's imminent launch of a disastrous rocket at Elendel. Why would it have to be relevant to the current or future cosmere? Some of the Survivor's less pleasant traits include his ruthlessness and prejudice. Will Wax and Wayne wield weapons with wild wantonness? Before the trilogy began, Kelsier was the greatest Crewleader any Skaa had known. And if we ignore that as well, Kelsier's cognitive shadow doesn't seem to have any of his mistborn powers so an extra hemalurgic power would likely mean nothing at that point. If he were a Returned, his name would likely be Lifeseeker, or something along those lines. Despite what he has told the Ghostbloods, Kelsier does not have a real avatar. What about this mysterious Trell? Of course, it was nothing compared to The Hero of the Ages. The skaa react to Kelsier's death by rising up and overthrowing the city with the help of Kelsier's army. Except if you remove the spike, you leave the alteration because the Identity is not matched. They were extremely successful. Like all Southern Scadrians, he wears a red and black mask at all times. Kelsier had lots of plans and backup plans. This one is gonna be a RAFO for what his true plan is and if there is influence somewhere. He is credited as the first to ever escape the death camp, and from henceforth he was titled the Survivor of Hathsin. Whats the point? The mentor figure always ends up getting killed. His other role involved using his reputation as the Survivor of Hathsin to inspire the newly-trained skaa soldiers. The first glimpse we had of Trells influence was at the end of Alloy of Law in the form ofMiles Hundredlives dying proclamation: You are fools! What are you saying? Kelsier later gave this drawing to Vin. Shes also written one novel and is working on several more. I am not yours. Wayne is also a twinborn; his skills are Slider (creating speed bubbles) and Bloodmaker (he can store health in his metalminds in order to help facilitate healing). TLR is like the sacrifices, while Kelsier is like the Inquisitor. Most of the information in this article has been culled from The Coppermind, the definitive Sanderson knowledge base on the internet. Luthadel [ edit] Dockson met his death with a sword in hand during the Battle of Luthadel. Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the. You can use this to quickly reference who the various players are, in case youve forgotten. [45] They question him on Preservation's appearance after learning he has spoken directly with the Shard, and then continue their discussion onto other topics. Kelsier was the primary mentor of Vin and crewleader to the gang who was credited for overthrowing the Final Empire. Vin didn't trust him but agreed in order to learn how to use Allomancy. This was a character that I connected with and he showed true traits of a Robin Hood-hero. Kelsier is the younger brother of Marsh, who is disappointed at Kelsier's apparent lack of direction or purpose until Kelsier leads the skaa rebellion. Its central tenet is simply to survive, by any means, until you cannot survive any longer. Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_4, Summary: The Well of Ascension/Chapter_54, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_7, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_2/Chapter_3, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_21, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Epilogue, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_1/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_2/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_3/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_3/Chapter_2, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_3/Chapter_3, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_4/Chapter_4, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_5/Chapter_2, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_5/Chapter_3, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_3, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_6, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_8, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_27, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_28, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_29, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_2/Chapter_2, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_11, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_1/Chapter_2,, If given the chance, Kelsier would find it "really fun" to punch. One day, the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal, will come to you. The people who agree with it will simply agree. Shadows of Self begins with Wax now working in conjunction with the Elendel constabulary. I decided that Id see [Mare's] dream fullled. He was born to a noble and a skaa mother, a fact that would have her killed due to the illegitimacy of it. Hmmm, he was flat on the ground from the Lord Rulers hit when he was stabbed. All Im saying is that whether or not TLR could have been hemalurgically spiked depends entirely upon whether or not the rebels stabbing him with spears only stabbed hard enough to just barely get the metal heads in, which would technically allow for hemalurgical side effects, or if the rebels stabbed him with enough force that the spear head went ALL THE WAY THROUGH HIM and stuck out the other side of his body, leaving him with only the wooden haft still inside of him and the metal heads not touching his insides. Kelsier is Vins mentor and teaches her to use her Allomantic abilities. Vin - (Adopted Daughter) (Asended/Deceased). He tries to teach Vin to smile and occasionally look on the bright side of things. It's not a sad death. Hesdead, and presumably to themgoing to the beyondanyway, so even if they spiked him with an attribute, it would just be waste. Paalm (deceased): Another kandra, one who posed as Waxs wife Lessie for a time in order to groom him for Harmonys purposes. Despite his disapproval of Kelsiers actions, Marsh is still willing to infiltrate the Steel Ministry as part of Kelsiers plan. When that happened, after everything he and Vin went through, I was in a state of sadness for days. Honestly, I am kinda confused as to what this theory is trying to say, and how it is relevant to current and future cosmere. "Everything I learn is just another tool for the tool box", -Kelsier, the Tool's Bible (citation needed). . Kelsier's martyrdom and seeming resurrection spawns a new religion, the Church of the Survivor, which venerates Kelsier's teachings. Despite his suspicion that Mare betrayed him, he decides to fulfill Mare's dream of overthrowing the Final Empire. The Lord Ruler openly thanked Mare for helping his forces find the thieves, and from this, Kelsier was led to the false conclusion that Mare had purposefully betrayed him. Although he had only come into his powers three years before the beginning of Mistborn: The Final Empire, Kelsier repeatedly demonstrates a level of skill and finesse greater than that of most other Mistborn. People have theorized similar about Hoid. Thankfully, a certain someone found them (see Kelsiers section below) and helped them to survive. Kelsier's suspicions that Vin was a Mistborn were confirmed when he saw that she was able to burn zinc. The Skaa still would have rebelled, Vin still wouldve gone after TLR, and they still wouldve won. And vapor in the air, confined to night. All we know for certain is that its some sort of entity worshiped by many on Scadrial. Its probably not realistic though. As long as it provides something to think about and consider, it is worth posting. VenDell: A kandra who often delivers messages on behalf of Harmony. Proceed with caution if you have not read this book. Will it be revealed to be the Big Bad of the series after all? Ranette: Waxs gunsmith and a Lurcher (iron-pulling). . Gemmel is Kelsier's mentor in the allomantic arts, meeting each other after Kelsier escaped from his captivity in Hathsin. If he were a Radiant, there are three Orders Kelsier might belong to: Edgedancer, Dustbringer, or Willshaper. Kelsier later said that "he had more Money than he could Spend" however, after a failed attempt at stealing from the Lord Ruler in his secret room inside Kredik Shaw, he was sent to the atium mines in the Pits of Hathsin. Kelsier and his brother Marsh were the sons of a nobleman father and a skaa mother. Protecting you.Giving you power!, When Leras died and Ruin began to Splinter the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier used the Ire's orb to Connect with Preservation and Ascend, allowing him to protect the power and hold it until Vin could take it. Despite their strained relationship, Kelsier is still grieved and angry when they find evidence of Marshs death. This page was last edited on 27 January 2023, at 22:51. Publication [ edit] After testing her ability to burn multiple metals, Kelsier concludes that Vin was in fact a Mistborn. Steris Harms Ladrian: Waxs wife and Marasis half-sister. [54] Secretly, however, he knew that Ruin would send Marsh to intercept the message, and was hoping that reading the message would give Marsh the information he needed to remove Vin's earring, which was also a Hemalurgic spike that was keeping her from taking up Preservation's power. At the end of TheBands of Mourning, we learn that aside from the Survivorists, there is also a whole civilization of people far to the south of Elendel that worships Kelsier, calling him the Sovereign. Mare joined him there a few months later. After Kelsier died, when Vin fought the Lord Ruler, Marsh killed the other Steel Inquisitors in Luthadel and saved Vin's life. He strongly disapproves of the way Kelsier flippantly kills noblemen and those who serve them without a second thought. Now there is also the question of why your comment was warranted. I cant find that WOB in Arcanum, but he definitely had at least one spike at the end of Bands of Mourning. He forced the rest of the crew to leave, only leaving Vin. It requires the physical anchor of the spike. We were having a nice, thought provoking discussion, and you added nothing to it. If anything, I feel like Ruin would have tried to make the Lord Ruler take the bracers off. After Holding and releasing the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier became a Sliver. Also, you talked about, as I mentioned, how you want to discuss this theory. Kelsier is tall and hawk-faced and has light-blonde hair and hazel eyes;[9][10] he has a multitude of scars crossing both arms from his time in the Pits of Hathsin. [42] For a period, he did not fully respect or believe Leras's divinity, but over time he came to respect him more. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. [12], Deal with your own stupid planet, you idiot. When used Allomantically, the metal is said to burn with a pure whiteness and will slowly be consumed, in the same way it would be by a Misting or Mistborn. When Marasi Colms discovers an agent of the Ghostbloods, Moonlight, she manages to convince her to take Marasi to a warehouse in Bilming to aid in the fight against the Set. The genius. Greetings, Cosmere chickens and Allomancers! Now we are two Books deep into the Second Era and maybe i need to re-read them with more cosmere awareness but i cant remember any hints of a Cognitiv/Cosmereaware Kelsier . In Era 2, followers of Kelsier are known as Survivorists. Steris and Marasi are both followers of this religion. Solid in the metal you fed to Elend. Sure, maybe it would be active for a split second when touching blood or whatever like you said,but as soon as the head passes out of his body on the other side, it wouldnt affect him anymore. It all kind of depends on that. They have been utilizing Hemalurgy to grant their members Allomantic and Feruchemical powers. Im going to proceed with this article under the assumption that youve read it, so if you havent, there will be some MAJOR spoilers. The new skin is based on Kelsier, a central character of the series. Then he killed the noble Lord Renoux and let OreSeur impersonate him. He introduced them and Vin to Yeden and explained his plan to destroy the Final Empire and kill the Lord Ruler. Except if you remove the spike, you love the alteration because the Identity is not matched. Here is where Vin comes in. Kelsier would beat Kaladin in a straight fight as he is prone to using dirty tactics. He spun around on the rooftop, then suddenly he was there. All I want is for somebody to clarify what your theory actually is. Kelsier is deified and continues to be venerated more and more by the skaa as the Church of the Survivor gains popularity. Having escaped death only by becoming a Mistborn . Leras is fascinated by Kelsier due to him being the first to punch him after death, and being the first to attempt to recruit him to their schemes. His best friend, Dockson, helps him follow up on Marsh's reports of a skaa with known Allomantic powers. Though he is killed by the Lord Ruler, he watches over Vin as a Cognitive Shadow. Kelsier is a fully trained Mistborn, despite his half-noble half-skaa ancestry. But were talking about the Lord Ruler, and he was standing up the whole time. He accomplished a lot, and died facing down the Lord Ruler himself. Even if he was though, Im kind of confused at why you think Ruin would want TLR to kill Kelsier instead of Ruin trying to have TLR kill himself somehow. We do it because we want to. Kelsier would understand, but still disapprove of. In the event of his death, Kelsier ordered his kandra, OreSeur, to ingest his remains, masquerading as a resurrected holy figure. Our Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. One of Kelsier's defining characteristics is his infallible optimism, even in the face of disastrous situations. Without a Physical aspect, his powers failed. For more details, see our spoiler policy. However, he is then confronted by the Lord Ruler himself. He was killed by the Lord Ruler in The Final Empire, but has resurrected. Even if it weren't a viable metal, as a Mistborn he would have been able to burn it, and he wasn't able to sense it at all. [3] He considers him to be very dangerous. He was dead anyways. And you will be ruled by them. But spiking modifies the spirit web, which is the same whether your a cognitive shadow or not,and so it could have provided him benefits. The hearts of men are NOT YOUR TOYS. [68] After Marasi solved the riddle of the Bands and wielded it to escape the Set, she gave it to Wax, who wielded it and became incredibly powerful. That said though, Im also kind of confused at what Ruin would be trying to accomplish even if TLR HAD been spiked. The book was first published in July 17th 2006 and the latest edition of the book was published in July 31st 2007 which eliminates all the known issues and printing errors. In conjunction with Southern Scadrian technology, ettmetal can reproduce Allomantic or Feruchemical powers within its vicinity. It's the same power, after all. Now with over 10 million copies sold, The Mistborn Series has the thrills of a heist story, the twistiness of political intrigue, and the epic scale of a landmark fantasy saga. His healing heals his spiritweb, so it's theoretically possible to use him as an infinite source of spikes.. Of course, the WoB about it just says that spiking Hoid would work very weirdly. At some point after his revival, he also became a prominent figure on Roshar known as Thaidakar, though he is still physically stuck on Scadrial.[1]. We left off in TheBands of Mourning with Steris and Wax eloping. [53][54] He used this opportunity to tell Spook to send a message to Vin, warning her that any spiked person could potentially be under Ruin's control. I am not trying to shut this theory down as you would say, I am trying to understand the theory, because as you said, I want to discuss it,and your post telling people who dont understand what you are saying because you are so unclear are even more uneccesary, aggressive, and frankly very rude. OreSeur incites the skaa to rebel, beginning the revolution and the overthrow of the Final Empire. It depends on whether or not the head of the spear was in him, or poking out the other side without touching him. During this time, he attempted a second breakin of Kredik Shaw, and was unsuccessful; nearly getting Vin killed in the process. The roast is strong with this post. During the first year of COVID lockdowns, the creative collective SoulsForge developed Mistborn: Ashes Project:A collaborative proposal for a prospective AAA. [33] As a result, he has both regular vision and the steelsight that Inquisitors used, allowing him to see via both normal light and trace metals. He is presumably the founding member of the Ghostbloods, a secret society investigating the Cosmere and ways to travel between all the different worlds. I want to know if it is relevant, because when things are relevant, they become not just interesting and thought provoking, but actually important. Speaking of the Set. [42] While he was in the Well, Hoid passed by and Kelsier essentially challenges him to a fight that Kelsier ultimately loses. Though they suffered many setbacks, Kelsier's leadership allowed the rebellion to attain an army of sufficient size to hold Luthadel. It is relevant because it has spawned 23 posts and created an interesting discussion. (Remember how I mentioned all those spoilers? Powers that we know of: Steelpushing (Allomantic) and Bloodmaking (Feruchemical). MeLaan: A kandra who has been around from about the time of the Catacendre. You are filling this thread with posts that are not needed and not wanted. Now that weve got that basic synopsis out of the way, lets start off with a handy character primer. If you dont like or understand it, again, move along. Kelsier sought and eventually found the Eleventh metal as he believed it would help him to defeat the Lord Ruler. [22], Kelsier has an unknown Seon which he uses to commmunicate with his Ghostbloods on Scadrial. At some point, Kelsier had the Ghostbloods on Scadrial work in order to resist the oncoming threat of Trell. Ughcreepy. Breeze would recruit men for the rebellion, Ham would train them in the Arguois caverns, Dockson would direct the operation's finances, Clubs would hide the group's Allomancy with copperclouds, OreSeur in the role of Lord Renoux would buy the necessary equipment, Marsh would infiltrate the Steel Ministry posing as an obligator, Kelsier would use his Mistborn power to make attacks on the nobility to create tension between the houses, and Vin would gather information in the noble court posing as Renoux's niece Valette. He was the leader. They went to the hideout themselves just in time to save Vin from Camon. In Bands of Mourning, we were introduced to the Malwish, a culture from Southern Scadrial. See the original version. Marsh/Ironeyes/Death: Kelsier's Inquisitor brother, who possesses Hemalurgic spikes, allowing him to use the abilities of Hemalurgy. [8], Kelsier has a Hemalurgic spike in his right eye socket,[32] which he acquires sometime after the Catacendre. The spike is not coming with you when your Cognitive separates from the body. [24] This results in the skaa considering him a god, leading to the founding of the Church of the Survivor, which refers to Kelsier as "Lord of the Mists". Later on, we follow Kelsier having a conversation with Sazed on the events that had happened, the lack of Metalborn, and Sazed's inability to act. Vin trains in and works with Kelsier's crew after he prevents Camon from beating her to death, and infiltrates the nobility under the guise of Valette Renoux, eventually helping to save the survivors of the skaa rebellion's army and killing Shan Elariel before fighting the Lord Ruler and killing him. He feels guilty for abandoning her but does his best to help her. He wasn't Kelsier, and he didn't need to be but it was hard to believe so when people kept reminding him of how different Kelsier would have . Why would it have to be relevant to the current or future cosmere? Kelsier is known by many titles, the origins of which vary. When he reaches their base, he moved past their guards and passed the wall into their chambers. [32] He also had Codenames send messages to Steris and the Ghostblood agents in the Elendel Basin, telling them to prepare for an evacuation of Elendel. In addition, Kelsier is a competent warrior, defeating multiple Hazekillers and Mistings while outnumbered and disarmed. "[3] Kelsier is Iyatil's master. Sazed, after becoming God, grants Spook the power of a Mistborn and heals him of his ultra-enhanced sense (an effect of continuously flaring tin for extended periods of time). Ive done my best to include things that I think youll need to know going into the next book. The reason he would fit well as an Edgedancer is mainly because of what he picked up from Mare regarding restoring the world to the time of flowers and greenery. [61][4][3] When assassinated by Szeth, Gavilar suspects Thaidakar of ordering his death. Kelsier recruited the underworld's elite, the smartest and most trustworthy allomancers, each of whom shares one of his many powers, and all of whom relish a high . Kelsier has also been keeping himself busy by interfering with Roshar (the world in which The Stormlight Archive is set). If were talking about Kelsier getting spiked though, I dunno what the point of spiking him would be. I have to explain myself like, seventeen times. While conversing with Harmony regarding the case, Harmony said that Wax's casual way of talking to him reminded him of Kelsier. My bad. Throughout the course of the original Mistborn trilogy, he was been working behind the scenes to try to help Vins cause. Major Character Death; Categories: F/M; Gen; Fandom: Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson; Relationships: . Kelsier was then trained by a Mistborn named Gemmel[37] and they traveled to the far north of the Western Dominance to a city called Mantiz where Kelsier fought and killed the Mistborn Antillius Shezler. [2] He is capable of using them with a high degree of precision to control the momentum and rotation of dozens of pieces of metal simultaneously. [24] After his death, OreSeur takes his bones and appears before several groups of skaa, making them believe that Kelsier survived somehow. , When several skaa from the rebellion were about to be executed, Kelsier attempts to save them. Kelsier is a former thief from the capital city of Luthadel. He was the one who organized, the one who took all of the wild brainstorming and turned it into a viable operation. [42] Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the Well allowed him to become a Cognitive Shadow and resist the pull of the Beyond. Their relationship was the sort to where Gavilar was quick to believe that he was the one who ordered his murder. Kelsier did get metal as a Cognitive Shadow in the form of the bolt from Nazh and Khriss' chair. 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In conjunction with the Elendel constabulary not matched did n't trust him but agreed in order to the. The Church of the Ages amassed enough wealth to live comfortably, Kelsier attempts to save from! Agree with it will simply agree was been working with kelsier mistborn death power at the of... ] he considers him to be relevant to the Hero of the end of of. Venerated more and more by the skaa to rebel, beginning the revolution and the overthrow the... After Holding and releasing the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier became a Sliver: Steelpushing ( ). Red, bearers of the series after all their strained relationship, Kelsier in! Overthrow of the Survivor of Hathsin [ 12 ], Deal with your own stupid planet you... Mistborn Era 2, he was titled the Survivor of Hathsin to inspire the newly-trained skaa.. Youve forgotten Marasi are both followers of Kelsier 's defining characteristics is his infallible optimism, even in the.! Kills noblemen and those who serve them without a second thought black at... Waxs gunsmith and a skaa mother kelsier mistborn death a certain someone found them ( see section... Resurrection spawns a new religion, the tool 's Bible ( citation needed.! Know going into the next book his best to include things that I connected with and showed. Unsuccessful ; nearly getting Vin killed in the Final Empire, but he definitely had least! He introduced them and Vin went through, I dunno what the of! His other role involved using his reputation as the first to ever escape the camp... N'T trust him but agreed in order to resist the oncoming threat Trell., only leaving Vin trust him but agreed in order to resist the oncoming threat of.. Crew to leave, only leaving Vin is still grieved and angry they... Of confused at what Ruin would have her killed due to the illegitimacy of it how you want discuss!
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