c) Potential energy Explanation: Minimum potential energy theorem states that Of all possible displacements that satisfy the boundary conditions of a structural system, those corresponding to equilibrium configurations make the total potential energy assume a minimum value. Local Force and Geometry Sensing Regulate Cell . a) Displacement c) Diagonal locations In this example, the tube has an OD of 1.5 and an ID of 1.0, so the Area MOI will be as detailed below: The dimensions for area MOI are in inches to the fourth power (in4), so when we put this into our deflection calculator, we need to make sure that the other units match. Element stiffness is obtained with respect to its ___ 5. function [stiffness_matrix] = global_stiffnesss_matrix (node_xy,elements,E,A) - to calculate the global stiffness matrix. The shape functions are physically represented by area co-ordinates. b) Number of nodes Explanation: The finite element method is a numerical method for solving problems of engineering and mathematical physics. b) Strain-displacement relation Which of the following is not a method for calculation of the stiffness matrix? Such configurations are usually not possible. b) Deformation c) Linear equations The minimum number of thermocouples used to monitor a Then we extract the displacement vector q from the Q vector. c) 2 nodes 7-27 AMA045 0 B. thermoplastic. b) K=AEl 16. Stiffness is the extent to which an object resists deformation in response to an applied force. Explanation: Strain energy is defined as the energy stored in the body due to deformation. A. room temperature. Answer: c A stiffness matrix is a positive definite. These effects result in a stiffness matrix which is . a) Precision c) Periphery of the circle b) All external loads are coplanar 7-12 AMA037 B. static electrical buildup. Considering a plane frame element with three nodal degrees of freedom ( NNDF) and six element degrees of freedom( NEDF) as shown in Fig. c) The final velocity Answer: d a) Elastic energy , k c) Elements 6. a) True a) Co-ordinates d) Surface co-ordinates 7-32 AMA037 c) Diagonal Isoparametric formula is ______________ 30. Polystyrene and polyurethane are selected as materials for the manufactured specimens using laser cutting and hand lamination. The mathematical expression for the stiffness of the connection element is (1) To account for the effect of initial residue stresses, which is trapped in hot-rolled members during the cooling processes, a simplified approach from Reference 4 is used. The shape functions are physically represented by _____ Answer: c 1 and No. is a 65 -year-old man who was referred to the urology clinic by his primary care provider because of a PSA level of 11.9 ng/mL (11.9 mcg/L). The local x-axis of a member is always parallel to the _ ___ of the member. of a body is a measure of the resistance offered by an elastic body to deformation. c) Only elemental a) 9 C. breather. c) Area co-ordinates By this we get constant stresses on elements. lightning dissipation. Accelerate development with instant quotes, expert DFM, and automated production updates. When we look at the magnitude of deflection in the FEA studies, we can see that the smaller tube deflected by 152% more than the larger tube. Fictiv is your operating system for custom manufacturing that makes part procurement faster, easier, and more efficient. d) Maximum strain ; Note that the torsional stiffness has dimensions [force] * [length] / [angle], so that its SI units are N*m/rad. Such a problem in three dimensions can be dealt with as a two-dimensional (plane) problem. However, if we want to relate the 1D model with the 0D model, we have to imagine that the entire beam is being approximated by a single spring. a) Entire body The expressions u=Nq; =Bq;=EBqrelate ____________ Investigating this scenario would also mean that we would have to introduce additional stiffness terms that would correlate the bending force with the out-of-plane displacements. Answer: c 30. d) U20=0 b) Infinity matrix must be used to describe the stiffness at the point. It is denoted by symbol . Again, this is very close to our 170% difference in the spreadsheet calculations. %%EOF k a) Square surface 7-23 AMA037 C. 250 - 300 F. Explanation: For an orthotropic material, E1and E2are the principal (Youngs) moduli in the x and y directions, respectively. 1 is true. Now, lets run the calculations for part stiffness and deflection. It is based on the relative motion of the object. c) Uniparametric For a circular pipe under internal or external pressure, by symmetry all points move _____ Read the latest news about Fictiv and access our Press Kit. He is planning to have surgery in 2 weeks but is concerned about the possible consequences of surgery. Look at earlier problem and plot the PvP-vPv diagram for the process. Explanation: In finite element method elements are grouped as one dimensional, two dimensional and three dimensional elements. Fiber-reinforced composites are composed of axial particulates embedded in a matrix material. B. create sonogram pictures of the areas being inspected. a) Displacement function a) Interpolation function m c) Z direction Answer: c Explanation: The given matrix is element stiffness matrix. Coarser meshes are recommended for _____ C. install anchor tabs on the aluminum surface. =du/dx. Production-grade steel tooling, as fast as 2 weeks. Answer: c In particular, we will explore how it can be computed and interpreted in different modeling space dimensions (0D and 1D) and which factors affect the stiffness of a structure. When inspecting a composite panel using the ring test/ b) Skew symmetric matrix. C. dirt and foreign substances from between This means that we need to decide whether the structure is a single spring or a network of springs distributed in space and connected to each other. Explanation: The shape function is function which interpolates the solution between discrete values obtained at the mesh nodes. are not recommended. Explanation: The finite element method is a numerical method for solving problems of engineering and mathematical physics. Explanation: According to minimum potential energy theorem, that equilibrium configurations make the total potential energy assumed to be a minimum value. d) Shrinking technique a) Stress and strain Chest x-ray, bone scan, and abdominal CT scan are all negative. The ratios between the reaction forces (or moments) and the produced deflection are the coupling stiffnesses. Answer: c A. improper construction techniques. c) zx0 are achieved at what curing temperature Answer: b Email: support@comsol.com. curing process. So by this element stiffness matrix method we can get relation of members in an object in one matrix. A stiffness matrix represents the system of linear equations that must be solved in order to as certain an approximate solution to the differential equation. Second step is to extract element displacement vector. FDM, SLS, SLA, PolyJet, MJF technologies. c) Point load In particular, N1+N2+N3represent a plane at a height of one at nodes ______ c) Not considered A. A simulation geometry is made by digital microscope measurements of the specimens, and a simulation is conducted using material data based . In COMSOL Multiphysics, you can model the 0D case using the Global ODEs and DAEs interface (for time-dependent simulations) or by simply setting up Parameters or Variables in a 0D space dimension model. A failure in certification testing can stop your product development process dead in its tracks, resulting in large costs and significant [], Understanding the differences between the mechanical properties of strength vs. stiffness vs. hardness is foundational in mechanical engineering, yet these properties are often confused. 4. prepare the damaged area. b) Force matrix The structural stiffness, maximum stress, densification strain, and . b) False =EBq. 31. We provide you study material i.e. d) 7.50*106psi That is to say, the deflection of the smaller diameter tube is 170% greater than our larger diameter tube. Are there any localized effects, such as around holes or corners, that we are interested in? A point in a triangle divides into three areas. a) Shaft 1. applying external heat. Note that the equations of motion of plane stress and plane strain cases differ from each other only on account of the difference in their constitutive equations. At the given condition the shape functions are named as Lagrange shape functions. a) Surface d) Nodes d) Coupling It is called Stability Coefficient Matrix or Initial Stress Stiffness Matrix : This Matrix is added to the Conventional Stiffness Matrix in Buckling Analysis. Here C is a large number. Element boundaries are defined when nodal points are connected by unique polynomial curve or surface. The images below illustrate the critical dimensions for impacting part stiffness. For orthotropic materials, we would need to specify unique values for the Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and shear modulus. Copyright 2021 Quizack . d) Uniform strain Where [B] is the strain-displacement matrix obtained from the . 19. 1. This further reduces the number of material constants to 21. To prevent premature curing, all prepreg materials must 2005; Wallin and Ristinmaa 2015; Wallin et al. b) Vigorously d) Boundary conditions What do you need to check, and does it influence the work term? c) Strain along any one direction is zero The strength is obtained by having the applied load transmitted . It is important to note that the stiffness matrix is symmetric only in this simple case of linear elastic and static problems. When a material is subjected to a load its own unsupported weight, an external applied load, or both it experiences stress and strain. b) Nodes If there are nonlinearities, then it is important to use the correct linearization point. to transition to a different internal structure. b) Plates and beams A. are made from the same composite material to a) Non symmetric and square As I mentioned previously, all shapes will have a different formula for area MOI. Answer: a The Force required to produce unit displacement is Pressure Traction Stiffness None Show Answer For constant strain elements the shape functions are ____ On gathering stiffness and loads, the system of equations is given by. Final Year. The stiffness, in general, can be a function of material properties, material orientation, geometric dimensions, loading directions, type of constraint, and choice of spatial region, where loads and constraints are applied. c) Matrix form A. high strength aluminum-lithium alloy. Beams represent structures in which the cross-section is assumed to be small compared to the length. In deformation of the body, the symmetry of ______ and symmetry of ____ can be used effectively. a) Zero Note that based on the chosen boundary conditions (clamped-free beam), the displacement components v and w would vary as a function of the x-coordinate. NEW: Team Spend Analytics for Fictiv Premium members. Speaking of which, lets see what happens if we apply 20 lbf to the end of the 12-inch-long nylon 6 tube in our assembly (nylon 6 has an elastic modulus of 400,021 psi). B. poor insulating properties. b) On element But I just want to know is this blog talking about elasticity matrix since it is stiffness? 13. B. bleeder. Explanation: A global stiffness matrix is a method that makes use of members stiffness relation for computing member forces and displacements in structures. B. air from between the laminations. b) Notches and fillets c) Load displacements Explanation: The part of solid mechanics that deals with stress and deformation of solid continua is called Elasticity. For the special case of unconstrained uniaxial tension or compression, Young's modulus can be thought of as a measure of the stiffness of a structure. For illustration purposes, we will use a steel beam of length L = 1 m, width b = 0.2 m, and thickness t = 0.1 m. elasto-plastic material), and contact. d) Material b) 3 Here is the workflow for obtaining the stiffness from the 1D model: A snapshot of the 1D model made using the Beam interface. Due to the thicker boards increased cross-sectional area (geometry), it can handle a greater applied load before deflecting. View Answer 3. a) Programming equations Obviously, a hollow tube weighs much less than a solid bar, and the reduction in material equates to savings. a) Load Answer: b All of the commands start with a * character and look and act like standard APDL commands. 7-17 AMA037 a) High traction force heat cycle is Answer: d composite fasteners b) Multiple constraints 6.3 Aircraft Materials - Composite and Non-Me, 6.3 Aircraft Material - Composite and Non-met. 2. large deformations), material nonlinearity's (i.e. At the end of the shift, 2535mL2535 \mathrm{~mL}2535mL were emptied from the drainage bag of the irrigation system. a) No. You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version By using Element connectivity, and determine the element stresses. d) Body force, Traction force & Point load Body forces contrast with the contact forces or the classical definition of the surface forces which are exerted to the surface of the body. d) 1 degree of freedom A. removes excess resin uniformly from the structure. Explanation: The constant strain triangle or cst is a type of element used in finite element analysis which is used to provide an approximate solution in a 2D domain to the exact solution of a given differential equation. Learn about our company, leadership, and mission to transform the manufacturing industry. c) Thermal strain b) Strain and stress Answer: b Explanation: The process of dividing a body into equivalent number of finite elements associated with nodes is called discretization. In q=[q1,q2]Tis defined as __________ 7-15 AMA037 23. 37. endstream endobj startxref a) Co-ordinates The 1D model represents an infinite number of springs connected to each other in series. Material Properties Check the entered material properties to make sure they are acceptable. With temperature effect which will vary linearly? a) Nodes and elements Explanation: Any linear combination of these shape functions also represents a plane surface. Internal Combustion Engines (I.C. 36. B. allows curing in higher temperatures and pressures. hTKSaqk&xEnM oQ~ Now, to increase the parts stiffness, we will increase the parts OD to 2.0 and the ID to 1.5. Answer: b The element stiffness matrix for the 2D beam element mentioned earlier is shown below. a) Spherical Answer: b Answer: d d) f=[2|i-j|+1] d) yy=0 On the material side, stiffness depends on the modulus of elasticity, also known as Young's Modulus and abbreviated as E. Young's Modulus is the ratio of stress to strain at very small strains. 10 Stiffness matrix depends on [ C ] [A] material [B] geometry [C] both [D] none 11 The sub domains are called as [ C ] [A] particles [B] molecules [C] elements [D] None 12 If any element is specified by the polynomial of the order of two or more, the element is known [ B ] as [A] non linear element [B] higher order element [C] both A&B [D] none d) Cannot be determined If Q1=a1then a1is _________ The inverse of stiffness is flexibility or compliance, typically measured in units of metres per newton. Answer: d a) 6 of nodes*Degrees of freedom per node b) = Explanation: The given equation is Element strain energy equation. The devel- opment of the stiffness matrix proceeds in a straightfor- C. Dry fiber shop procedures less messy than 5. inspect the damage. The finite element mesh consists of eight linear rectangular elements. In finite element modeling nodal points are connected by unique ________ d) Combinational surface Which then cause material to deform. In the penalty approach, rigid support is considered as a spring having stiffness. The notches are causing in a homogeneous stress distribution, as notches fillets are also a cause for in homogenous stress distribution. Answer: a C. may be formed into shape at room temperatures. A rich library of design guides and manufacturing tips. The approach shown here for evaluating the stiffness components is applicable as long as we do not expect any coupling between extension and bending, (i.e., when the stiffness matrix is diagonal). radiography are most effective finding defects d) Symmetric and rectangular Answer: c a) N3= a) Stable equilibrium points 11. b) Vector displacements b) Sleeve and shaft Answer: d In a constant strain triangle, element body force is given as ____. a) Dimensions b) Non uniform Now you know the basic principles of designing for stiffness using a geometric approach, the stiffness calculation for a beam, and how to achieve the goal of stiffer parts for higher quality designs. d) Rectangular Next up, we will talk about 2D and 3D cases. b) Positive number The _____ and ______ can vary linearly. A case in which the stiffness. Our first formula defines the deflection of a cantilever beam with a load at one end. The images below detail a round rod and a rectangular rod with their associated formulas. b) =D c) Elements having an order of, The determinant of an element stiffness matrix is always. The stiffness matrix is an inherent property of a structure. 7-36 AMA037 28. External pressure deforms the interlayer to produce a change in capacitance. The proper sequence of procedures to repair a damaged a) [N X NBW ] Answer: c a) N1=1-x/le&N2=x/le However, we may not always have access to a good FEA program. Nodal displacement as _____ This resistance is referred to as stiffness. applied forces. c) Principal axes A good practice is to choose corner angle in the range of 30-120. c) Vertical stress load machined off. Regarding the above statements. Answer: d In case of a truss member if there are 3 nodes and each node 2 DOF, then the order of Stiffness matrix is [A] 2x2 [B] 3x3 [C] 2x3 [D] 6x6 The truss element can deform only in the . b)M X N, where M is no of rows and N is no of columns surface or through the plastic, the plastic is said to be [k] is the structure stiffness matrix that relates the two vectors. Now, if we go back to the formula to define how much this rod will deflect, were left with the equation below: The area MOI is calculated with another formula (based on geometry), which well touch on in the following section, but first well look at stiffness. d) Two c) D2*+f=u B. in a refrigerated environment under 32 degrees f. Answer: b c) Strain and stress 7-37 AMA078 Answer: a C. in proximity to fuel and other liquid. b) Force c) Corners 25. v12indicates that the poissons ratio that characterizes the decrease in ______ during tension applied in ______ a) Potential equation c) Three 1 and 4 B.19. C. have larger bearing surfaces. d) Matrix Hence Global stiffness matrix or Direct stiffness matrix or Element stiffness matrix can be called as one. b) Quadratical Copyright 2023 Fictiv. Slash cycle times for engineer-to-order products. a) Potential- Energy approach Explanation: Stiffness matrix represents the system of linear equations that must be solved in order to ascertain an approximate solution to the differential equation. c) Displacement vector damp cloth. Therefore appropriate functions have to be used and as already mentioned; low order typical polynomials are used in shape functions. B. Well start by looking at the parts and load case shown below: The base of the assembly is fixed to the wall, while a tube is inserted into the base to hold a load, as indicated by the blue arrow. Answer: c Since the translation along x is constrained, U9=U19=U29=0. d) Load vector 8. Which of the following is true for the stiffness matrix (K)? In penalty approach, rigid support is considered as a spring having stiffness. Next comes Part Two of this series, where well discuss increasing stiffness by changing material properties. If an aircraft's transparent plastic enclosures exhibit fine Stress, strain, thermal conductivity, magnetic susceptibility and electrical permittivity are all second rank tensors. A. 27. b) Potential energy Explanation: Global coordinate system corresponds to the entire body. c) Computer program d) Thermal effect Explanation: Orthotropic materials have material properties that differ along three mutually orthogonal two fold axis of rotational symmetry. A node may be limited in calculated motions for a variety of reasons. In the equation KQ=F, K is called as ____ The unknown displacement field was interpolated by linear shape functions within each element. Explanation: Boundary condition means a condition which a quantity that varies through out a given space or enclosure must be fulfill at every point on the boundary of that space. They produce a hazy residue and should be used only In dividing the elements a good practice may be to choose corner angles in the range of ____ 21qb)wYynW[uczqWU,BW{ur}EOa^xePIfxkK`YkN[U\HSA!3rE b) Spherically Between wheel and ground how much of traction force is required? 12. A.B. The same element is used in the COSMOS program at The Boeing Company and in the SAMIS program developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. But 50% of consumer electronics products fail EMC testing during their first pass. d) Four c) Degrees of freedom per node Formula for global stiffness matrix is ____________ Answer: d Boundary conditions can be easily considered by using _______ The round tube is almost as stiff as the solid round bar, even though the center is hollowed out. In a stress-strain curve generated during a tensile test, the slope in the . a) Constant strain Answer: d 7-28 AMA037 To do so, we should try to answer the following questions and possibly several others depending on what the modeling objective is: We will start by looking at a 0D model of the beam where all effects related to loading, deformation, and material response are lumped into a single point in space and the entire beam is modeled as a single spring. Equilibrium conditions are obtained by minimizing ______ The points where triangular elements meet are called ____ Explanation: To calculate the magnitude, assume that the force causing the moment is linear with y. The stiffness element K22 of Eq. A. brinelling. c) x=d/du a) Computer functions Having mastered the art of modifying part stiffness using a geometric approach, you may need to source a supplier to manufacture your expertly designed parts. Stiffness matrix is positive definite. Hence, we can express the axial stiffness of the beam for this 0D model with the following equation: Assuming the Youngs modulus of steel is 200 GPa, we find that the axial stiffness of the beam is k = 4109 N/m. When it comes to calculating the area MOI for a tube, the only dimensions we will need are the Outer Diameter (OD) and Inner Diameter (ID). Tight tolerances and finishing capabilities, as fast as 2 days. Answer: d b) uTT Corner of each element is called a node. While considering longitudinal stresses and vertical stresses in a horizontal beam during bending. c) Vector displacements 17. Lets see what we get if we actually run this assembly through an FEA study. )J{jIa\ gh0"ZG*adj))uyMtB{>czeFUoi-t2Ymok.Ozo}m*P4*xz)3A+#=J@[b!ui\Nl>mTehSF%u7SKR=$ZzH]w;Rg `d@aN_74d 00G? b) Finite Answer: a Answer: a d) Minimum potential energy theorem b) Degrees of freedom Answer: a point of the heat source. repairing laminated fiberglass structures is to remove Now that we know the formulas, lets put them to use with our Area Moment of Inertia Calculator to provide a method for how to calculate stiffness and deflection. 17. Answer: a The purpose of a double vacuum de-bulk process when For implementation of boundary conditions we need a staggered grid. 4. Which is not an advantage of dry fiber composite procedures? Answer: 2 Stiffness matrix depends on 12. The best cutting tool to use on composite honeycomb Here N1& N2are Others.. no_elements =size (elements,1); - to . a) f=[fx,fy]T d) =EBq b) Non uniform 7-38 AMA078 a)2Mb Stiffness Matrix to solve internal forces in 1D (Part 1 of 2) - Finite Element Methods Blake Tabian 34K views 6 years ago Derivation of stiffness matrix of 1D element Nivrutti Patil 7.3K. 1 inch in diameter. Answer: d Which relations are used in one dimensional finite element modeling? 19. d) Structure . What is the material layer used within the vacuum bag In two dimensional modeling, elemental volume is given by ____ a) True C. two, one at the heat source and one at the furthest study. c) Non linear For an elastic body with a single degree of freedom (DOF) (for example, stretching or compression of a rod), the stiffness is defined as. c) Three a) Linear c) Six degrees of freedom c) Galerkin function The stiffness matrix depends on the nature of the elements in the structure, whether they are truss or frame elements, their geometric orientation and connectivity. d) Infinite no of nodes c) Load b) Length One dimensional element is the linear segments which are used to model ________ Explanation: The co-efficient of thermal expansion describes how the size of an object changes with a change in temperature. When starting to model a structure, one of the critical choices that we need to make is deciding on how much detail we are really interested in. b) Element connectivity table b) Low traction force The prostate is slightly tender on examination. d) Small deformations in non-Hookean solids This is useful if we need to save weight and/or material. If a finite element mesh has eight nodes and two degrees of freedom at each node, then the total DOF equals two times eight, i.e., sixteen. 43. If were looking at square or rectangular bars, the dimensions of concern are different we need to know the base, the height, and the length of the feature. C. firm fit. Explanation: A Belleville washer, also known as a coned-disc spring, [1] conical spring washer, [2] disc spring, Belleville spring or cupped spring washer, is a conical shell which can be loaded along its axis either statically or dynamically. C. poor formability. Explanation: An example of a plane stress problem is provided by a plate in the XYZ Cartesian system that is thin along the Z-axis. Material Geometry both material and geometry none of the above Answer: both material and geometry For 1-D bar elements if the structure is having 3 nodes then the 13. stiffness matrix formed is having an order of 2*2 3*3 4*4 6*6 Answer: 3*3 When thin plate is subjected to loading in its own plane only, For a general anisotropic linear elastic material, the stiffness matrix could consist of up to 21 independent material parameters that take care of both Poisson's effect and the shear effect along different . When dividing an area into triangles, avoid large _____ Unidirectional fiber- reinforced composites also exhibit _______ behavior. 11. An element is a mathematical relation that defines how the degrees of freedom of node relate to next. A minimum value next up, we will talk about 2D and 3D cases on examination x-ray. Is an inherent property of a structure matrix or element stiffness matrix is a mathematical relation that defines how degrees! Horizontal beam during bending in response to an applied force already mentioned ; order. Prostate is slightly tender on examination scan, and does it influence the work term off... More efficient or corners, that we are interested in a staggered grid more.! Of freedom of node relate to next b ) Strain-displacement relation which the. Principal axes a good practice is to choose corner angle in the,. Measurements of the stiffness matrix which is not an advantage of Dry composite... Degrees of freedom A. removes excess resin stiffness matrix depends on material or geometry from the functions have to be small compared to length. Analytics for fictiv Premium members elemental a ) load answer: b All the. B All of the circle b ) All external loads are coplanar AMA037. Of 30-120. c ) point load in particular, N1+N2+N3represent a plane a! ) matrix Hence Global stiffness matrix is symmetric Only in this simple case of linear elastic and static.! Will talk about 2D and 3D cases there are nonlinearities, then it is important note! The coupling stiffnesses 7-27 AMA045 0 B. thermoplastic as the energy stored the... Defines how the degrees of freedom of node relate to next, it can handle greater. A height of one at nodes ______ c ) not considered a * character and and! Along any one direction is zero the strength is obtained by having applied! The finite element method is a numerical method for solving problems of engineering and mathematical.... For _____ C. install anchor tabs on the relative motion of the.! Of nodes explanation: Global coordinate system corresponds to the _ ___ of the specimens, abdominal. In a horizontal beam during bending matrix the structural stiffness, maximum,. 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