He was from Venezuela or the Dominican Republic, and guys from way south of here often start their careers as young as 16 or so. At first, I thought he meant on the job. The key is to gain the players respect and trust. TAFOYA: Yeah, I used to much more so in the NBA, and that's quite something. But back in 1975, Robin Herman, a 23-year old reporter for the New York Times, had been trying to get NHL teams to allow her access to locker rooms for a year, with no success. . For a minute, before I start to work, I smell the bubble gum in the breeze and look at the kids leaning over the dugout and the boys of summer in it. Its my fault, Walsh said, his eyes still glistening. "He just doesn't" was suddenly sufficient and I knew a grown-up secret, like writing checks, making babies, or reading words. I immediately got a call from Gayle Reaves, a founder of the Association for Women Journalists. I was in the visiting clubhouse waiting to interview one of the Oakland A's this year when one of the players called, "Here, pussy"as though he were calling a cat. The internet, magazines, and plenty of small family-owned businesses in the Philadelphia area offer the same experience. Players tear off equipment at wooden cubbies bearing their names and numbers, laughing about how Mel Gibson got ribbed at the Golden Globes. I broke several stories, one of which won a national award for investigative sports reporting. In a few more feet, the torsos appear and the warm breeze melts around my face. I wanted to know these 4 things: 1. Not about naked bodies or about crude remarks but about how they would think I feltand how I intended to respond with confidence, no matter what happened. This is all very exciting. I spun around and walked outpast the staring faces, through the red door, down the 10,000-year-old bat-guano tunneland emerged into the dugout and the light of the real world, where I was nothing but a kid reporter who didn't get the story. During this phase of courtship, most men would be reassuring Lassie that her role as a dog star doesn't matter that they just like her nice, shiny coat. Locker rooms are overrated. I walked away shaking his hand, wishing him luck and noticed my hand wasnt trembling anymore and I was oozing confidence. I try to explain, which is difficult because Donna and I are on different sexual wavelengths. SAGAL: The job of the NFL sideline reporter is three parts glamour, four parts grit and 10 parts fending off the advances of a randy Hall of Fame quarterback. I had mentioned Kenny's hair in a story that had yet to even appear in some of the Observer's newsstands. One day, she went unannounced to see an editor of the Boston Herald and asked for a job. TV Azteca reporter Ines Sainz says she was the subject of sexually suggestive remarks by New York Jets players. The next day, another player told Eskenazi it was a joke. It was like a club that I wasnt invited to, and unless I whispered the secret code word correctly, I would never gain entrance. He was home and reading stuff on the wire, as we called it at the time. I was in some pretty heavy company. Robin Herman, who as a hockey reporter for The New York Times broke a gender barrier when she became one of the first two female journalists to enter a men's professional sports locker room in North America, died at her home in Waltham, Mass. Then there was the occasion Rangers manager Doug Rader spat corn on me after I asked a dumb question. In an interview on the March 11, 2011 edition of Bill Simmons' podcast, "The B.S. The latest in the sports world, emailed daily. The hockey teams locker room isnt as rancid as expected. I want you guys here when I make the game-winning kicks, and I realize that I got to have you guys here when I miss them. Couldn't you tell? They wouldn't let him in the club, so he finished his journey on the steps. It seems in those years I was the only writer who could converse with Julio Franco and Brian Downing. Archival footage of Olson was used in the film, but Olson herself declined to participate in it.[13]. Olson sued the team, and the players she implicated were fined by the NFL after its own investigation. This is not a matter that only pertains to the NFL, but to any sport in general especially the MLB. I'm a general assignment sports reporter now, which means I do whatever they ask of me. Television. Ludtke could gain access to baseball clubhouses to cover the World Series in 1978 and she wrote an Op-Ed piece for the Times when the New England Patriots were harassing Lisa Olson, a reporter for the Boston Herald at the time. I walked over to the corner where two guys from my hometown had their lockers. Because of my vantage point, it appeared I would have to walk through the shower, through the four wet, naked men, to get to the actual locker-room area. I wrote about civil rights issues and roamed through abandoned warehouses alone in search of skinheads. But there's a strange sort of comfort in feeling that if they think I'm an idiot, it's probably not because I'm a woman but because I'm just acting like an idiot. And then you've got this woman who comes in to interview them, maybe with big hair and a short skirt too, depending on the humidity and what's off at the cleaners that day. (AP Photo/Dave Pickoff) How could it be that it was 43 years ago when Sports Illustrated reporter Melissa Ludtke and Time Inc., sued Major League Baseball for denying her access to the clubhouses at Yankee Stadium? Jerseys are on the floor, not on the playersno jerseys, no name tags, just toweled dudes walking around. SAGAL: I did. [7][8], Eventually, NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue ordered an investigation under the aegis of former Watergate scandal prosecutor Philip Heymann;[5] the 60-page report concluded that Olson was "degraded and humiliated." I have one of the few jobs where the first thing people ask about is penises. Oh no, I was not having that. He might not understand that I meant its thickness and shine were enviable. She also was a national columnist for AOL's FanHouse sports website, and a columnist and the first woman in Sporting News' 120-year history to write the magazine's monthly back page. Men treated like animals yet again. It had been less than a decade earlier, in 1990, that Boston Herald reporter Lisa Olson had been sexually harassed by players in the New England Patriots locker room who exposed themselves. TAFOYA: All right, Daniel. [12], In 1998, Olson returned to the United States to be with her gravely ill father and took a position with the New York Daily News.[1][9]. All-Star Game in Montreal. I was ready once again to be the greatest sportswriter who ever lived. "I am done, but I don't want him to think I am leaving because of him.". And you know, they all say that word so well. Olson's ordeal was mentioned (although without her name, referring to her only as "a Boston Globe reporter") in the Sports Night Season One episode "Mary Pat Shelby," in which Natalie Hurley was assaulted in a locker room by football star Christian Patrick. [1][3], After her graduation from college, she moved to the East Coast to attend graduate school, but she decided to pursue a career in sportswriting. The Herald editor offered her a position handling horse-racing agate. He got an apology from the Hyatt; I got suspected of prostitution while waiting in a hotel lobby for Grant Teaff. Melissa Ludtke, then a writer for Sports Illustrated, is shown in her New York office in Januar 1978. I eventually walked over to Kenny, who was sitting on a stool by his cubicle. "You know," I thought, "I doubt if any of them read the Observer.". The Boys Only sign wasnt on the door, but still, I could see it. Before a team got used to me, there might be some giggling each time someone made a smart remark or cursed loud enough to get you kicked out of the Watauga Dairy Queen. Then it hits me: My job means I get to be around this game and write about it. Graduate. I mean, we know a guy is probably happy to be a number-one draft choice, but what makes him real is how he is like or unlike us. And yes, I was scared. Once, after they'd let me try my hand at writing for a year or so, editors told me I'd never make a writer. Fugitive in $18 million COVID fraud scheme extradited to U.S. Hunter who killed, skinned pet dogs says he thought they were coyotes, Ex-Georgia star Jalen Carter was racing in deadly crash, arrest warrants allege. first female sports columnist for the Sydney Morning Herald, where she covered rugby union, Australian rules football, cricket and rugby league. Two Sundays ago, for example, Minnesota Vikings kicker Blair Walsh missed a last-second chip shot that would have likely advanced his team to the next round of the NFL playoffs. I'm going to look at their eyebrows when I talk to them because that will make sure that I'm focused there, and I can never be accused of looking anywhere else. SAGAL: I got to ask you about the locker room. "Jenn," my friend told me, "I guess you rate a towel now.". She was a member of the first class of women at Princeton University. You get a really honest reaction, and thats what makes stories good. [4] One player, Zeke Mowatt, "fondled his genitals" in front of her. Although Olson settled a civil suit, fans of the football team made threats on Olson's life in the aftermath. Herman, then a 23-year-old reporter for The New York Times, had been trying for a year While all this was going on, I began helping out with Dallas Cowboys sidebar articles and weekend coverage of the Rangers. I started out in the office, taking scores on the phone and taking heat from the guys. The National Hockey League, Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association and the National Football League barred women reporters from entering men's locker rooms when women first . I was certainly heartened when I heard about Robin, said Ludtke, who also now works at Harvard as editor of the Neiman Reports magazine. SAGAL: So you came back, and you're like, well, I just talked to the coach of the losing team, and he suggested certain things that were anatomically impossible. And now the game where we ask people who've achieved great things questions that diminish all their achievements. So I stepped down the tunnel from the dugout to the clubhouse and peered around the open door. But the point is that you don't even think much about people being naked after a while, and unless you have some peculiar reason for remembering, you don't know who you have seen naked because they all kind of waltz in and out of the shower naked, just one wet butt covered with soap film after another. Later he admitted to calling her a "classy bitch. Each time I stopped pacing, the clerk and guard started toward me. Well, Reggie Jackson was my first. And a few guys maybe flounced around a little more just for brief amusement. She faced off against the MLB commissioner and won access a year later, but the . "Well, I have talked to Troy Aikman," I say, and one woman bites down hard on her blow-dryer and rolls her eyes as though she's just gotten the high school quarterback in spin-the-bottle. TAFOYA: Oh, gosh. Its a bizarre world that weve come to live in. I always won the big awards in elementary school, went to football games, and performed in talent shows. All most know how to do is bitch about the Cowboys and Mavericks and Rangersabout their (a) record, (b) salaries, (c) coach or managerand praise the "kick-butt" barbecue they make before watching 18 hours of football on Sundays. Places in Arlington might not get it until mid-afternoon. SAGAL: Or C, Benjamin Franklin became the first and only member thrown out because of his horrible morals? Apparently a guy has to be awfully secure not to be intimidated by my frequent trips into locker rooms (as though I'm doing comparative shopping) or by my knowing a good bit about sports. But after getting home from school, I'd quickly skip back to the sports section of the evening Star-Telegram to compare my work to that of the pros. The reporters were covering the team's loss to the Indianapolis Colts at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. As I stood outside the locker room, it hit me like a lightning boltwait a minute, Bill Plaschke was in there getting killer quotes and I wasnt! But a little girl with blonde pin curls somehow slipped into the line of succession. TAFOYA: One time, I found myself - and I had a co-host normally - one time, I was solo, and I found myself reading to my audience out of the newspaper TAFOYA: because I had run out of material. A simple no would have sufficed. But much of the early abuse came from the place I least expected itmy own paper. A large portion of a reporter's job is coverage of cultural aspects. I asked. The reasoning behind this policy is that players are more likely to be relaxed and open with reporters after they have had a chance to cool down and take a shower. I began to rummage through the large boxes until I found the one with my publisher's name on it. A feature on the woman who washes the Rangers' clothes was not out of the question. I like to think I've earned a little respect. That seemed like such a dumb thing to say. But the remarks still hurt. If my mom made us go to Wyatt's for supper, my father would wear his primitive Walkman through the serving line, once scaring the meat lady by hollering, "Dadgum Toby Harrah!" ADAM FELBER: Welcome back to You Disgust Me with Michele Tafoya. a matter of equity.. We've invited you here to play a game we're calling SAGAL: OK. It would be the last day ever for those white shoesand my first of many covering professional sports. I cant really think of something else thats similar to this, Bailey said. Her family were fervent sports fans. Tipped off to my presence, the coach broke into a near run when I headed toward him in the hall. The players were roaming around in towels or standing by their lockers speaking into digital recordersno one was smacking towels on butts, no one was making soap jokes. Several of the writers said, "I wonder what's up with that.". I think how cool it is to watch a stadium yawn to life. The players didn't know I'd grown up with games or that my best friends had usually been crude guys or that I could open a beer bottle with my incisors or that I liked to fish as much as they did. Melissa Ludtke was 26 years old when all this took place. I could see my worth resided within the confines of a B cup and size six jeans. Pearlman is a household name when it comes to sportswriters, and Long is one of the most beloved Philadelphia athletes in recent memory. Should women be allowed in locker rooms? Ines Sainz: NFL Investigates Jets It may have been his first night. That first-person ode to Arlington Stadium was entered in a contest. He said I was loitering. Jane Gross was cracking basketballs barrier while covering the Long Island Nets. This Is Why Female Sportswriters Can Go in Men's Locker Rooms Melissa Ludtke, a writer for Sports Illustrated, is shown on the job in her office in New York, Jan. 23, 1978, when she was. The most puzzled responses to my job come from the friends and acquaintances in my personal life. Long before I was allowed to eat fish with bones, could go all night without peeing in my bed, or understood Gilligan's Island wasn't real, I loved baseball. One of the most sickening feelings I get is when I have to go interview some pitcher who's been shelled or some guy who is struggling at the free throw line or a coach who is on the verge of not being a coach. Api. Locker My Life In The Locker Room: A Female Sportswriter Remembers The Dicks By Jennifer Briggs Published November 24, 2014 Originally published June 4, 1992, in the Dallas Observer.. She had few female colleagues in sports media to lean on. It might as well have been a water cooler. Report", Jackie MacMullan reported that the fines were never actually collected from the players. Yeah, my ode to the old stadium won it all. Absolutely. And his eyes got to be like the size of paper plates because what I didn't notice was that he was buck naked. Alrighty then, time to search out the first player I wanted to talk toUSC quarterback Mark Sanchez. Tell Me When It's Over is an interview series in which we ask former athletes about the moment they. Bill, how did Michele do on our quiz? He remembered my chatting him up at lunch on Media Day, when I sat next to him and Brian Cushing and asked why the punt coverage was so porous with players not staying in their lanes, and how he was going to improve his turn over margin. God, I can't believe someone didn't warn me, I thought. She is an American humorist and sportswriter who now does reviews for Publishers Weekly and writes for a variety of publications, including the Dallas Observer, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, USA Today, and Sports Illustrated. / CBS News. The realities of the corporate world and the attitudes of Texas high school and college coaches quickly clouded my idealistic vision of a quick ascent from 18-year-old ball-girl phenom to big-league ace baseball writer. Sometimes I'd turn the sound down on the TV and try to do baseball play-by-play, too. I head down the steps, past the seats where I couldn't even afford to sit when I was a kid, open heaven's gate, and walk onto the field. The Lisa Olson Incident, 20 Years Later: Today is the 20th anniversary of the Lisa Olson incident in the New England Patriots locker room, when the female Boston Herald sportswriter was sexually harassed by players Zeke Mowatt, Robert Perryman and Michael Timpson. After all, the story had just hit newsstands and restaurants and bars and grocery stores in the dead of the previous night. He carried me to the back of the outfield wall and climbed the slatted boards with his right arm and clutched me in his left. Olson is a member of the Baseball Writers' Association of America and is a Hall of Fame voter. TAFOYA: a player sitting next to him says, ma'am, could you just turn around and let the man put a towel on? And every once in a while I think about slatted billboards and a daddy's arms. I think about what it would be like to have them asking me every day, "Well, how about that really thrown-together graph there at the top?" I pushed open the door and gazed into the visitors' locker room, a big square chamber with locker cubicles lining its perimeter and tables and chairs scattered around the center. Except she and St. Cyr Mike called me into his office and told me he was now "into it" for passing on the piece. In return for players giving up some privacy, media get a one-stop shop for all the color their audiences could want, while franchises reap the marketing benefits of near-daily publicity. I had started wandering longingly over to the sports department, just to talk about baseball. Nope, in fact, I was invisible. ", TAFOYA: I spent about eight seasons before that on "Monday Night Football.". The more we try to know about our sporting heroes, the less they tell us. Perhaps the most meaningful were the calls from fellow sportswriters. Ines Sainz, a reporter for the Mexican network TV Azteca, gestures while working on the sideline during the second quarter of an NFL football between the New York Jets and the Baltimore Ravens at . Apparently this happened at the morning budget meeting where "My Life in the Locker Room" was discussed at great length. It's the reason I'm a sportswriter, and I learned it from my dad. Copyright 2013 NPR. Sure.. Or at least made me feel that way. But she still gets recognized as the girl who went in the locker room first. SAGAL: I thought I'd bring you on and see what you had. Once you have a live camera or microphone in front of you, youre a different person, says Eskenazi, who covered a variety of sports over his long career. Some simply called me a "stupid bitch" and hung up. By that time I had moved east to cover the Phillies. During my first four years at the Star-Telegram I took one day off to model at an auto show and five days off to get married. And I gained 40 pounds. (I'm serious, they really ask this. And you know, that was the last I ever heard of it from anyone on the team. NFL Network Airs Interview With Naked Players In Background. Samsung Pdf. Gayle Gardner began working for ESPN in 1983 as a SportsCenter anchor, becoming one of the first women to regularly anchor a nightly network sports broadcast. [2][3], In 2013, the Association for Women in Sports Media, at its 25th convention, awarded Olson its Mary Garber Pioneer Award. If you get this one right, you will win. Michele Tafoya is the Emmy award-winning reporter for NBC's Sunday Night Football, but she's spent time on basketball courts, softball diamonds, gymnastics mats and now public radio quiz show game grids. His voice was growing louder. But I can understand the athletes being naturally uncertain what to make of women, of me. But I learned to do news as well. Not sports writing, but the best of every column written in the state that year. The players dont care, I dont care, heynobody cares! "May I talk to you?" 26 photos, First published on August 12, 2011 / 12:24 PM. I used to write Dallas Cowboys columns in blue Crayola on a Big Chief tablet in the part of my sister's walk-in closet I had designated as the press box. Why the fuck can yall walk in, and we are half-naked? He still didn't answer my question directly. You get a really honest reaction, and thats what makes stories good., Some of the best locker room reporting comes when the unthinkable happens, reminding us that these gods between the lines are just men and women outside of them. I was nervous the first time I entered the Rangers locker room, about seven years ago. SAGAL: Absolutely. Herman, who is now assistant dean for research communications at Harvards School of Public Health, has written about that night many times, including a first-person article in the Times a few weeks later. And in no mood to take shit anymore. I mean, because if you sell out the coach, you never get to talk to them again, so I don't want to sell out the coach. Show More. I was one of the guys. Many dressing rooms dont have such modicums of privacy, leaving players in the buff in front of reporters fishing for quotes. Female players never have to be naked for the media to do their job as they get 30 minutes of closed locker room time for privacy and dignity. And I make a beeline for my guy that I'm going to interview, and I'm walking up toward him. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. But its the same answers to the same questions.. I was a common sight in and around the Rangers digs in those days, so it was no longer like I was some rookie, afraid to speak my mind. [5], On September 17, 1990, Olson was interviewing players in the Patriots locker room on a practice day. Eskenazi recalls an episode from the New York Jets locker room in 1988, when defensive end Mark Gastineau pulled down his pants to show Eskenazi a tattoo on his hind quarters reading Gitte, short for then-girlfriend Brigitte Nielsen. A male usher stopped three female journalists from entering the Jaguars locker room after their loss to the Colts because they were women, asking other men if it was OK before finally allowing . My daddy and I saw our first major-league game together on Opening Night here in 1972. They picked threeCindy, because she was a perky cheerleader at the University of Texas at Arlington; Jamie, because she had modeling experience; and me, because I was a pest. For instance, there are things I might say to a friend or even a casual coworker that I wouldn't think a thing about, but I stop short of saying such things to the players. Scoreboard: Caps Ovechkin Outdoes Pens Crosby and Malkin, Rangers First Pick Is One With Ties to the Islanders, Devils Work a Trade So They Can Select Brodeurs Son, Islanders Make Deal With Wild Before Selecting a Defenseman in the First Round. The bouncing, wide-eyed ball girl who wanted to write about baseball more than anything was gone, abandoned in increments on football fields, at locker room doors, in editors' offices, and on barstools. Most of the men I've dated certainly don't know about the social fraying of America or why it might be at all amusing that a guy named Fujimori is in charge of Peru, so you'd certainly hope they knew some inane facts about NFL rushers. I admit, some days even the UPS guy looks awful good. And you won't believe this, and I swear it's true: the immediate response of three women who don't even like sports outside of bungee jumping at Baja is, "You've seen Ro Blackman naked?". At the same time, though, I dont think getting a glimpse at a players brat and potatoes is included in the information-gathering process. It was For days, weeks, months --. Readmore, The Devils took Anthony Brodeur, an 18-year-old goalie, with the 208th pick of the 211-pick draft, sending their seventh-round pick in 2015 to the Kings in exchange for the chance to pick Brodeur. Told Eskenazi it was for days, weeks, months -- every once a. Luck and noticed my hand wasnt trembling anymore and I 'm going to interview, and that quite. A household name when it comes to sportswriters, and plenty of small family-owned businesses in the Philadelphia offer. It hits me: my job come from the players she implicated were fined by the NFL after own... Notice was that he was home and reading stuff on the floor, not on the floor, not the... For quotes shown in her New York Jets players player I wanted to know 4! 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