[1][2] The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 17:18, Mark 9:28, Luke 9:2836) describe it, and the Second Epistle of Peter also refers to it (2 Peter 1:1618). When we first talked about the idea of radical human transformation earlier in this article, we understood it as a fundamentally internal, human process. It is at the heart of every major aspect of our lives. On this occasion His body underwent a change in form, a metamorphosis, so that it shone as brightly as the sun. I always thought Slughorn's "transformation" was just an illusion. of transfiguration), 'Move from here to there' (i.e. What capacitance values do you recommend for decoupling capacitors in battery-powered circuits? When they ask why the exorcism won't work, Jesus says it is because of their staggering faith. I always interpreted the first passage as Slughorn simply being so fat that Harry mistook him for an armchair but this makes more sense. And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus. We know He is Messiah and will reign as Messiah because we saw His physical glory. [2][3][4] This miracle is unique among others that appear in the canonical gospels, in that the miracle happens to Jesus himself. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Based on information gathered from the Harry Potter and Wizarding World universe, you will start to learn the basics about the different types of spells and what they are used for. Watched the map. When we understand technology as a tool, we begin to do the real work. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. When people have others around them to emulate, they feel more capable of reaching for their own goals. A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration[1] (Canon source: an article in. Or, to put it another way, we begin to reach toward self-actualization and human transformation. [25] The extensive writings of Maximus the Confessor may have been shaped by his contemplations on the katholikon at Saint Catherine's Monastery not a unique case of a theological idea appearing in icons long before it appears in writings. Heres why you should consider applying for one. An Animagus is a wizard or witch that can transform themselves into an animal and back again at will. As for Voldemort, remember that hes an incredibly skilled wizard. (He did not know what to say, they were so frightened.) Transfiguration is one of the most well-known classes at Hogwarts. The origins of the feast remain uncertain; it may have derived from the dedication of three basilicas on Mount Tabor. In addition to the principal account given in the synoptic gospels; in 2 Peter 1:1618, the Apostle Peter describes himself as an eyewitness "of his magnificence". In LDS doctrine, Moses and Elijah ministered to Christ as "spirits of just men made perfect" (Doctrine and Covenants 129:13; see also Heb. There he was transfigured before them. Conjuration This is the opposite of vanishment. Although it was possible to transfigure humans into inanimate objects,[5][2] it is unknown how someone who had himself transfigured into an object would be able to untransfigure without the intervention of another witch or wizard. Human Transfiguration can be used to essentially replicate the natural abilities of Metamorphmagi, allowing the practitioner or the subject to take on an entirely different form or make various individual changes to their appearance, such as growing or changing the color of one's hair or taking on individual animal body parts. People around us inspire us by showing us what we can become. It complements the baker's skill set, making one laborious part faster so that more cookies can be made. Tabor about 2,000 years ago; and he really was transfigured before them; and he really did talk with Moses and Elijah; and that Peter, James, and John really did hear a voice from heaven say, " This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him! It can happen in an instant, through a lifetime of development or, more commonly, through both. That work, in turn, makes us better able to utilize that technology to serve our communities. Human . UK | Although the terminology varies, we see this orientation and commitment to human potential in many of our customer organizations. Can you transfigure animate objects into inanimate objects? The transfiguration, then, symbolizes the life to come and thus the goal of ascetic pursuit. Think of this like a kitchen mixer. This includes questions from both the movies and the books. (function(e,t,n,r){var i=n.currentScript,s=null;if(i)s=i;else{var o=n.getElementsByTagName(r),u=o.length-1;for(var a=u;a>=0;a--)if(o[a].getAttribute("rel")==="skimlinks-ref-banner"){s=o[a];break}}s&&setTimeout(function(){var i=e[t]||(e[t]=[]),o={"imageUrl":"/banners/img/referral/higher_commissions/728X90.gif","wid":"07","creativeId":60710,"color":"grey","size":"728X90","domainId":"1601785","publisherId":137930,"bannerUrl":"/banners/js/referral/referral_banner.min.js","cdnUrl":"https://s.skimresources.com"};if(i.length===0){var u=n.createElement(r);u.src=o.cdnUrl+o.bannerUrl,u.async=!0,s.parentNode.insertBefore(u,s)}i.push({el:s,config:o})})})(this,"__skimlinksBanners",document,"script"); CONTACT US | ADVERTISE ON ITM Innovative research featured in peer-reviewed journals, press, and more. In 1808, Henry Alford cast doubt on Tabor due to the possible continuing Roman utilization of a fortress which Antiochus the Great built on Tabor in 219 BC. [10] It is a key episode and almost immediately follows another important element, the Confession of Peter: "you are the Christ" (Matthew 16:16, Mark 8:29, Luke 9:20). 12:23). Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay, Using entirely the power of Human Transfiguration, Gellert Grindelwald disguised himself as, After travelling back in time Harry and Hermione used atransfiguration spellto disguise Harry as, Attempted to return Merula to human form after her flobberworm transformation, succeeded only in transforming her into a, A Hogwarts student accidentally changed his. The three accounts of this event are found in Matthew 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-8, and Luke 9:28-36. [1], When Jesus and the three apostles are going back down the mountain, Jesus tells them to not tell anyone "the things they had seen" until the "Son of Man" has risen from the dead. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Find the answers. 1. (Canon source: Crouch Sr's corpse to single bone), Parts of humans may be transfigured into an inanimate object. Fluently, I speak three languages; Portuguese, English and Spanish. It doesn't replace the entire process, nor does it replace the baker. It can't, and won't, replace people. [35], The presence of the prophets next to Jesus and the perceptions of the disciples have been subject to theological debate. Transfiguration ranks as a major feast, numbered among the twelve Great Feasts in the Byzantine rite. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. In the Synoptic Gospels, (Matthew 17:18 Mark 9:28, Luke 9:2836), the account of the transfiguration happens towards the middle of the narrative. So it seems highly unlikely that this limitation would not extend to transfigurations to inanimate objects (ie. Deutsch | Because they value the work that they do in the world, they prize the people that fulfill that mission. For paintings with this name, see, Louis Suson Pedro Meyboom (181774), Protestant theologian and pastor at Amsterdam. Psalm 121 liturgy film. . This revelation gives us great hope. A Disney fan since birth! Any transformation any aspect of growth lies outside of our comfort zones. This is completely disproven by the books. Even Harry Potter himself uses a very powerful curse on Draco Malfoy during Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,the curse create by the Half-Blood Prince Severus Snape Sectumsempra. Tabor has long been a place of Christian pilgrimage and is the site of the Church of the Transfiguration. [26], In the 7th century, Saint Maximus the Confessor said that the senses of the apostles were transfigured to enable them to perceive the true glory of Christ. Many aspects of learning and growth involve emulating the behaviors that we first see in others. Can many "regular" animals interact with magical people, creatures, and places in Harry Potter world? Source: Accio Quote, presumably from the Pottermore website. Cast Harry Potter Spells With Your Google Home Device Hey Google, LUMOS! Even muggles are allowed to learn here! We're on a mission to help everyone live with clarity, purpose, and passion. As you can see transfiguration is a very complex set of spells that require a lot of study. An example of a counterspell being used in the movies, and books, is when Snape tries to counter-spell Professor Quirrells jinx on Harrys broom during his first Quidditch game at Hogwarts. Transformation any transfiguration that deformed or altered the target in some way, with subtypes of transformation such as Human Transfiguration (Animagus, Metamorphmagus and werewolves), and Switching (Trans-Species Transformation and Cross-species Switches). It is important to note that it was His human form that . This event, known as "The Transfiguration," has long been regarded as one of the most important events in Jesus' life. So, the person that was transfigured would depend on someone else to bring them back to their human form. Technology can provide the tools for us to grow and change, but there's only so much that will happen overnight. Transfiguration also reminds us that Jesus is the only way to know God. object. Discover why learning how to learn (and unlearn) is the new competitive advantage. The transfiguration is an . Healing spells have categories such as charms, vanishments and conjurations. [7][8] In 2002, Pope John Paul II introduced the Luminous Mysteries in the rosary, which includes the transfiguration. Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? The apostles are described as questioning among themselves as to what Jesus meant by "risen from the dead".[12]. Transfiguration of the Divine Savior of the World celebrated in San Salvador Cathedral, Monumento al Divino Salvador del Mundo is an iconic landmark that represents San Salvador city. Correct answer, but no upvote due to lack of research. Then, as they wake up, they see Jesus standing before them with an ineffable (indescribable) manifestation of light and glory which will be His when he reigns as King in days to come. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. For the purposes of human transformation, you can think of a radically human organization simply as one that creates space for people to grow, change, and reach more of their full potential. On the other hand, Animagus is very different. Although automation is and will continue to be a huge part of how we work, it will never replace human innovation. Reflecting on his successful apostolic visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and South Sudan, Pope Francis said during his General Audience on February 8, that it was like a dream come true. Let us first see what Wandless Human Transfiguration is all about. [15][16][17], Christian theology assigns a great deal of significance to the transfiguration, based on multiple elements of the narrative. None of the accounts identify the "high mountain" of the scene by name. Here are five key criteria that are essential to human transformation: BetterUps research found that while mental fitness is an individual journey, people tend to build the skills of mental fitness in a particular order. Two very notorious examples of Animagus in the Harry Potter movies and book series are Professor Minerva McGonagall, that turns into a cat, and Sirius Black, that turns into a bear-sized black dog. At the time of the Transfiguration, Jesus' earthly ministry was coming to a close. [Source], Human Transfiguration was a sub-branch of Transfiguration and a form of transformation in which one transfigured human body parts or an entire human being into another form. These three curses are not the only curses known by witch-kind, but they are the only three ones that there are no deflection or counter-curse for. At the birth of Jesus, the Son " became flesh and dwelt among us " (John 1:14). Students at Hogwarts don't start learning this until Sixth Year. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! With these tools, youll see why networking is so important, what networking is, and how to make strides on your career path by making new connections. Dinner Plate to Mushroom: Transforms a dinner plate into a mushroom. Human Transfiguration is when you turn a human body part, or an entire human, into an animal. From Luke 9, "As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning.Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus." Related Films. It reminds the believer that the vision of God unfolds amidst the splendor of holiness while also . In the Wizarding World, there is also an Animagus Registry that exists to keep track of those wizards that can transform this way into animals. It affects how we see and relate to the world and how we understand our place in it. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Class information Technology is meant to make human life better, to make it easier to do what we do, and bring our products and services to more people. If the charm is poorly cast, it can backfire on the wizard that cast it. Transfiguration. Software and tools that don't positively impact people are useless in the workforce. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2:5-11KJV). Digital technology aids human beings in doing what they do best. An example of this is when Hagrid tries to turn Dudley Dursley into a pig but ends up only giving him a pigs tail during the first Harry Potter book. Organizations like this understand that there is no work you and home you there's just the whole person. Namely -. How so? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. [1][10], In the gospels, Jesus takes Peter; James, son of Zebedee; and James' brother John the Apostle with him and goes up to a mountain, which is not named. There is loss associated with giving up our attachment to our beliefs and the way we view life. Jesus, I trust in You. If so, why wouldn't Dumbledore transform Voldemort into a lovely end-table or footstool? Christ's redemptive sacrifice was the purpose for which Elijah had ministered while on earth. As far as I can tell, all the tidbits on the website can ultimately be traced back to Rowling herself. These types of charms are called Dark Charms, and the category is composed of curses, jinxes, and hexes. Such organizations look at the entire employee experience and embrace doing things differently. One of the key benefits of digital transformation is the ability to scale access to your products and services. [34][35], When the transfiguration is considered an anticipation of the Resurrection, the presentation of a shining Jesus on the mount of transfiguration as the Son of God who should be listened to can be understood in the context of the statement by Jesus in the resurrection appearance in Matthew 28:1620: "all authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth". What was the Fidelius secret that Peter Pettigrew concealed? A curse is the worts of the three dark charms. Through his grace and the power of his resurrection we will taste death only once. Human transfiguration was transforming magic where the starting material or end product was a human being . It affects how we see and relate to the world, and how we understand our place in it. Scabbers) into cups (As evidenced by the original question, even). [2], Students of Uagadou School of Magic were especially skilled in Human Transfiguration. Human Transfiguration could be used to essentially replicate the natural abilities of Metamorphmagi, allowing the practitioner or the subject to take on an entirely different form or make various individual changes to their appearance, such as growing or changing the colour, style or pattern of one's hair [1] or taking on individual animal body According to the books, Human Transfiguration is a very tricky and difficult sub-branch of Transfiguration with lot of potential to easily go wrong. When we feel threatened, our creativity, well-being, and relationships suffer. of Pope Francis. It is connected in one way or another to many other events in the stories about him and plays a central theological role because it connects him more explicitly to Moses and Elijah . Several church buildings commemorate the Transfiguration in their naming. Transfiguration may look very fun and a promising field of study, but there are five limitations to transfiguration spells. There he would appear alongside Moses as a representative of all the prophets who looked forward to the coming of the Messiah (Matt. [32], This was not only a view within the Eastern Church and in the West, most commentators in the Middle Ages considered the transfiguration a preview of the glorified body of Christ following his resurrection. 1:44. It was obvious from the joy that was so visible on the face of Pope Francis . Welcome to your introduction to Harry Potter Charms class young wizards and witches! Accioquote cites its sources and it wouldn't hurt to actually check what source they. The transhumanist is convinced that technology is the key to enhancement, to making the human different by living longer, happier, and smarter, even to the possibility of a mind transplant resulting in immortality, and even a transhuman democracy bringing peace. and God's People in Africa. One example is Horace Slughorn, who transfigures himself into a couch to try to hide himself from Dumbledore or visiting Death Eaters: Dumbledore swooped, plunging the tip of his wand into the seat of the overstuffed armchair, which yelled, Ouch!. [3], Horace Slughorn disguised by the use of Human Transfiguration, Human Transfiguration could be used to essentially replicate the natural abilities of Metamorphmagi, allowing the practitioner or the subject to take on an entirely different form or make various individual changes to their appearance, such as growing or changing the colour, style or pattern of one's hair[1] or taking on individual animal body parts. [9] Moreover, Christians consider the transfiguration to fulfill an Old Testament messianic prophecy that Elijah would return again after his ascension (Malachi 4:56). Why did the Beauxbatons students expect to find Madame Maxime at the Quidditch World Cup? California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. [20], The transfiguration also echoes the teaching by Jesus (as in Matthew 22:32) that God is not "the God of the dead, but of the living". Inside the Magic consists of multiple writers & videographers living near both Disneyland and Walt Disney World theme parks and around the world. [39] Others have countered that even if Tabor was fortified by Antiochus, this does not rule out a transfiguration at the summit. The only instance in the books of an entire human-body being transfigured into an inanimate one is when Barty Crouch Jr. transfigures his father's body to dispose of it: "When everyone was gone, I Transfigured my father's body. However, it's worth noting that the human in this transfiguration is a dead body, and the object to which it is transfigured is something that is already a part of it. Does it Matter That I Didn't Keep My Goals for Lent? Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? The Transfiguration. Transform your business, starting with your sales leaders. A hex causes moderate suffering to its victim. Build leaders that accelerate team performance and engagement. 1:44 Watch . Jesus is then called "Son" by the voice of God the Father, as in the Baptism of Jesus.[1]. I place my life into Your hands, dear Lord. Human beings are innately wired for transformation. Is that worthwhile? DE | Please read the following before beginning this course or reaching out to Professor Mitchell or her PAs with questions. the Lutheran and United Methodist) the last Sunday in the Epiphany season is also devoted to this event. Therefore, for that reason, Jesus took three, Peter, James and John, into a high mountain apart, away from the other apostles. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? When Jesus walked around on this earth, He had both the form of God and the form of man. -1. [16] The general explanation is thus the Gospel of John was written thematically, to suit the author's theological purposes, and has a less narrative style than the synoptics. Undoubtedly, the purpose of the transfiguration of Christ into at least a part of His heavenly glory was so that the "inner circle" of His disciples could gain a greater understanding of who Jesus was. Can you transfigure a human into an inanimate object? An adherent of the so-called "modern" school in theology, he wrote many books, including, Transfiguration of Jesus in Christian art Paintings with articles, Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Preobrazhenskoe, Preobrazhensky ("Transfiguration") Regiment, Transfiguration of Jesus in Christian art, "Holiness and the Vision of God in the Eastern Fathers", Pope Benedict XVI on Transfiguration of Jesus, The Holy Transfiguration of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Historical background of the New Testament, New Testament places associated with Jesus, Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Transfiguration_of_Jesus&oldid=1128164634, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 December 2022, at 19:22. Whats a personal value statement, and why do you need to write one? At Hogwarts, Transfiguration is taught by Professor McGonagall. Workplaces that attempt to prioritize business outcomes over the human experience often find that their early successes lack sustainability. In some liturgical calendars (e.g. Doc Doc Open navigation menu Close suggestionsSearchSearch enChange Language close menu [11] But before Peter can finish, a bright cloud appears, and a voice from the cloud states: "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him" (Mark 9:7). I doubt one could force a transfiguration on another wizard. Wand[1] A charm can be cast for the moment it is needed, or it can be a lasting charm. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(9253440, '85c9aa1f-8897-4506-b2e1-6298c8f59d1a', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); BetterUp Associate Learning Experience Designer, English | On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. See[38] citing Origen's reference to Ps 89:12. When we're not working when we're not busy adapting to survive what is it that we need to in order to thrive? The first rung of Maslow's hierarchy demonstrates that without stable support for our basic needs, people will not aspire to self-actualization. This has been interpreted as Peter's attempt to keep the prophets there longer. In the ageless wisdom teachings, transformation is the process by which a human being becomes a spiritual beingan individual who comes to embody the divinity of the human soul. [18] This is not the only incident not present in the fourth gospel, and the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper is another key example, indicating that the author either was not aware of these narrative traditions, did not accept their veracity, or decided to omit them. "It is impossible to transfigure animate objects into inanimate objects.". [2], Human Transfiguration was more difficult than any other form of Transfiguration, including Cross-Species Transfiguration and was therefore N.E.W.T.-level, taught only to sixth-years and above at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery& Harry Potter: Magic Awakened& Hogwarts Legacy.As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Do wizards need to know the destination before creating a portkey? Curses can be scary and you would assume that only a dark wizard would use them, yet that is not true! Note for example the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Preobrazhenskoe[ru] - the original 17th-century church here gave its name to the surrounding village (Preobrazhenskoye - "Transfiguration [village]" near Moscow) which in turn became the namesake of Russia's pre-eminent Preobrazhensky ("Transfiguration") Regiment and of other associated names. In Greek Orthodoxy, the event is called the metamorphosis. Plus, use these examples for how to say what is on your mind. Help me to daily turn to You in my need and to trust that You will answer my prayer according to Your perfect will. I know most Disney songs by heart, and if you quiz me on them, 95% of the time I will be able to tell you from which movie that song is from and which character sings it :D. Inside the Magic is the worlds largest website for fans of Disney World, Disneyland, Marvel, Star Wars, and more. Like jinx, a hex is a type of dark charm. Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? Human Transfiguration was more difficult than any other form of Transfiguration, including Cross-Species Transfiguration and was therefore taught to skilled and disciplined users at many Magical Schools. PRIVACY POLICY. It begins at baptism and is a continued transformation or transfiguration into an icon or image of Christ . In 2022, we find ourselves in the midst of a radical shift in how work gets done. Dear Lord of infinite wisdom and knowledge, help me to always place my trust in Your goodness and care for me. Often, these human-centric organizations are mission-driven (startups are a notable example). They trust that their companies will thrive when, and only if, their people do. Of course the second person was always unified with the Trinity and became human at the same time. [1] Luke states that they spoke of Jesus' exodus () which he was about to accomplish in Jerusalem (Lk 9:31). It is easier for a wizard to try to transfigure a small object, rather than a huge one. A healing spell is not to be confused with a Mending Charm, which is used to fix inanimate objects. They seek less to use people than to support and empower them to do their best work. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? He became a bone I buried it, while wearing the Invisibility Cloak, in the freshly dug earth in front of Hagrids cabin., Goblet of Fire, chapter 35 (Veritaserum). When the disciples look up, they no longer see Elijah or Moses. Viktor Krum also transfigures his head into a sharks head during the second task of the Triwizard Tournament to save Hermione. Human Transfiguration Opinions? Our human body can be transformed to be the same dazzling white light as our Savior. Human transformation is an internal shift that brings us in alignment with our highest potential. Various Christian denominations celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. That means that, at its heart, we have to focus on the human element of digital transformation. Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. Human Transfiguration, next to Untransfiguration, is the most complex branch of Transfiguration and therefore is considered a N.E.W.T. The support of others has a direct and significant impact on our success. In the Church of Sweden and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, however, the Feast is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Trinity (the eighth Sunday after Pentecost). [15][16] One explanation (that goes back to Eusebius of Caesarea in the fourth century) is that John wrote his gospel not to overlap with the synoptic gospels, but to supplement it, and hence did not include all of their narrative. Many `` regular '' animals interact with magical people, creatures, our... What capacitance values do you need to know the destination before creating a portkey curses can scary! Complex branch of transfiguration and therefore is human transfiguration a N.E.W.T to say what on. 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Answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange human innovation Sunday in the Epiphany season is also devoted this. Your introduction to Harry Potter world to say, they prize the people that fulfill that.... To do the real work is Messiah and will continue to be same... & videographers living near both Disneyland and Walt Disney world theme parks and around the world could bleach....
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