Some of us, indeed, confess that, if we had read this narrative of suffering in a romance, we should have wept copiously, but the story of Christ's sufferings does not cause the excitement and emotion one would expect. A Christian living to indulge the base appetites of a brute beast, to eat and to drink almost to gluttony and drunkenness, is utterly unworthy of the name. Rutherford used words somewhat to this effect, "I thirst for my Lord and this is joy; a joy which no man taketh from me. Either Christ must die for me, or else I must die for myself the second death; if he did not carry the curse for me, then on me must it rest for ever and ever. The excitement of a great struggle makes men forget thirst and faintness; it is only when all is over that they come back to themselves and note the spending of their strength. A refined and heavenly appetite, a craving for our Lord. " And He bowed His head, and gave up His spirit. A strong emphasis in Spurgeon's preaching was God's grace and sovereignty over man's helpless state. Have we not often given him vinegar to drink? The more manifestly there shall be a great gulf between the Church and the world, the better shall it be for both; the better for the world, for it shall be thereby warned; the better for the Church, for it shall be thereby preserved. Some of you will not be baptized because you think people will say, "He is a professor; how holy he ought to be." I pray you, lend your ears to such faint words as I can utter on a subject all too high for me, the march of the world's Maker along the way of his great sorrow; your Redeemer traversing the rugged path of suffering, along which he went with heaving heart and heavy footsteps, that he might pave a royal road of mercy for his enemies. John 19:28 J.R. Thomson This is both the shortest of all the dying utterances of Jesus, and it is the one which is most closely related to himself. Think, dear friends, there are some in this congregation who as yet have no interest in Jesu's blood, some sitting next to you, your nearest friends who, if they were now to close their eyes in death, would open them in hell! Though bitter to him in the speaking it will be sweet to us in the hearing, so sweet that all the bitterness of our trials shall be forgotten as we remember the vinegar and gall of which he drank. Last Sunday the remark was made to me "If the story of the sufferings of Christ had been told of any other man, all the congregation would have been in tears." Think of that! The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel, they cannot spare him the agonies of dying on the cross, they will therefore remit the labor of carrying it. Brother, thirst I pray you to have your workpeople saved. Even as the hart panteth after the water brooks, our souls would thirst after thee, O God. Always was he in harmony with himself, and his own body was always expressive of his soul's cravings as well as of its own longings. "To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise." It was a thirst such as none of us have ever known, for not yet has the death dew condensed upon our brows. Henceforth, also, let us cultivate the spirit of resignation, for we may well rejoice to carry a cross which his shoulders have borne before us. Remember that, and expect to suffer. I tell you, sirs, that yonder malefactor carried his cross and died on it; and you will carry your sorrows, and be damned with them, except you repent. Nor dost thou set a time for waiting, but instantly thou dost set wide the gate of pearl; thou hast all power in heaven as well as upon earth. In the fourth place, one or two words upon CHRIST'S FELLOW-SUFFERERS. Christians, will you refuse to be cross-bearers for Christ? 1 So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. I think that Roman soldier meant well, at least well for a rough warrior with his little light and knowledge. Well, beloved, the cross we have to carry is only for a little while at most. He must love, it is his nature. wherein we see the Son of man in the gentleness of a son caring for his bereaved mother. I will give you one of his thirsty prayers "Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory." Appetite was the door of sin, and therefore in that point our Lord was put to pain. The soldiery mocked and insulted him in every way that cruelty and scorn could devise. How near akin the thirsty Saviour is to us; let us love him more and more. We used to melt when we heard about his sufferings, but we did not turn from our sins. ( John 19:1-4) Pilate hopes to satisfy the mob by having Jesus whipped and mocked. "'Twere you my sins, my cruel sins, His chief tormentors were; Each of my grimes became a nail, And unbelief the spear. Say not that the comparison is strained, for in a moment I will withdraw it and present the contrast. Of the many benefits we have in learning from Paul, a few stand out:1. Oh, shame that men should find so much applause for Princes and none for the King of kings. More solemn still is the reflection that according to our Lord's own teaching, thirst will also be the eternal result of sin, for he says concerning the rich glutton, "In hell he lift up his eyes, being in torment," and his prayer, which was denied him, was, "Father Abraham, send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame." He saith, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. You have seen Jesus led away by his enemies; so shall you be dragged away by fiends to the place appointed for you. Betrayal and arrest in the garden. The nails were fastened in the most sensitive parts of the body, and the wounds were widened as the weight of his body dragged the nails through his blessed flesh, and tore his tender nerves. He had been all night in agony, he had spent the early morning at the hall of Caiaphas, he had been hurried, as I described to you last Sunday, from Caiaphas to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod, and from Herod back again to Pilate; he had, therefore, but little strength left, and you will not wonder that by-and-bye we find him staggering beneath his load, and that another is called to bear it with him. Next time your fevered lips murmur "I am very thirsty," you may say to yourself, "Those are sacred words, for my Lord spake in that fashion." Our first parents plucked forbidden fruit, and by eating slew the race. He is thirsty still, you see, for our poor love, and surely we cannot deny it to him. Beloved, let us comfort ourselves with this thought, that in our case, as in Simon's, it is not our cross, but Christ's cross which we carry. Others think that Simon carried the whole of the cross. Angels cannot suffer thirst. John 19:4-5. Beware of rendering him homage and dishonouring his name at the same time. Holy Scripture remains the basis of our faith, established by every word and act of our Redeemer. Fix your hearts upon some unsaved one, and thirst until he is saved. you that are ashamed of Christ, how can you read that text, "He that is ashamed of me, and of my words, of him will I be ashamed when I come in the glory of my Father, and all my holy angels with me." IV. John 19:1 Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. We would fain lift thy name on high in grateful remembrance of the depths to which thou didst descend! "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani," what an awful shriek! and they smote him with their hands. If he carried all the cross, yet he only carried the wood of it; he did not bear the sin which made it such a load. 29. Charles Haddon Spurgeon December 1, 1861 Scripture: John 19:30 From: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 7 It is Finished! John 19 Commentary John chapter 19 commentary Bible study. In your chamber let the gasp of your Lord as he said, "I thirst," go through your ears, and as you hear it let it touch your heart and cause you to gird up yourself and say, "Doth he say, 'I thirst'? With "I thirst" the evil is destroyed and receives its expiation. Universal manhood, left to itself, rejects, crucifies, and mocks the Christ of God. He thirsted to pluck us from between the jaws of hell, to pay our redemption price, and set us free from the eternal condemnation which hung over us; and when on the cross the work was almost done his thirst was not assuaged, and could not be till he could say, "It is finished." The last word but one, "It is finished." You carry the cross after him. This added to his shame; but, methinks, in this, too, he draws the nearer to us, "He was numbered with the transgressors, and bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." It is done. Romanists pretend to know; in fact they know the very spot where Veronica wiped the blessed face with her handkerchief, and found his likeness impressed upon it; we also know very well where that was not done; in fact they know the very spot where Jesus fainted, and if you go to Jerusalem you can see all these different places if you only carry enough credulity with you; but the fact is the city has been so razed, and burned, and ploughed, that there is little chance of distinguishing any of these positions, with the exception, it may be, of Mount Calvary, which being outside the walls may possibly still remain. April 14th, 1878 by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892). Trust in the Son of God and you shall never die. John 1 19-51 Spurgeon's Bible Commentary John 1:19-51 John 1:19. I fear me, beloved, I fear me that the most of us if we ever do carry it, carry it by compulsion, at least when it first comes on to our shoulders we do not like it, and would fain run from it, but the world compels us to bear Christ's cross. July 2nd, 1882 by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892) "I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them." John 17:26 . So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. I have touched that point very lightly because I want a little more time to dwell upon a fourth view of this scene. Jesus said, "I thirst," and this is the complaint of a man. You have been ill, and you have been parched with fever as he was, and then you too have gasped out "I thirst." The ceremonial of the Jewish religion denies him any participation in its pomps; the priests condemn him never again to tread the hallowed floors, never again to look upon the consecrated altars in the place of his people's worship. "Deliver him to the tormentors," was the word of the king in the parable; it shall be fulfilled to you "Depart ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." There can be no shadow of doubt but that our Lord was really crucified, and no one substituted for him. You may die so, you may die now. He bears a cross, not that you may escape it, but that you may endure it. It was a confirmation of the Scripture testimony with regard to man's natural enmity to God. All nations gathered about my Lord, both great and mean men clustered around his person. Then they said, "Hail, King of the Jews!" And they struck Him with their hands. Jesus was deserted of God; and if he, who was only imputedly a sinner, was deserted, how much more shall you be? We thought sometimes that we loved him as we heard the story of his death, but we did not change our lives for his sake, nor put our trust in him, and so we gave him vinegar to drink. are they not more like sharp vinegar? The Geneva Series of Commentaries include historic commentaries on biblical books written by some of the great theologians in the history of the church. I cannot say that it is short and sweet, for, alas, it was bitterness itself to our Lord Jesus; and yet out of its bitterness I trust there will come great sweetness to us. Mine is adorned with garments crimsoned with his own blood. The Redeemer's cry of "I thirst" is a solemn lesson of patience to his afflicted. Shall the servant be above his Master, or the disciple above his Lord? Oh! who would stand in your place, ye richest, ye merriest, ye most self-righteous sinners who would stand in your place when God shall say, "Awake O sword against the rebel, against the man that rejected me; smite him, and let him feel the smart for ever!" ye Christian men, who dream of trimming your sails to the wind, who seek to win the world's favor, I do beseech you cease from a course so perilous. Therefore while he thirsts give him to drink this day. Now, I am not sure that we ought to blame ourselves for this. Revelation: The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament (Beeke) $30.00 $40.00. Today! He was innocent, and yet he thirsted; shall we marvel if guilty ones are now and then chastened? Dear friends, we must remember that, although no one died on the cross with Christ, for atonement must be executed by a solitary Savior, yet another person did carry the cross for Christ; for this world, while redeemed by price by Christ, and by Christ alone, is to be redeemed by divine power manifested in the sufferings and labors of the saints as well as those of Christ. "I thirst" meant that his heart was thirsting to save men. points to the anguish of his soul; "I thirst" expresses in part the torture of his body; and they were both needful, because it is written of the God of justice that he is "able to destroy both soul and body in hell," and the pangs that are due to law are of both kinds, touching both heart and flesh. III. Once again, as we think of this "I thirst," which proves our Lord's humanity, let us resolve to shun no denials, but rather court them that we may be conformed to his image. Complain not, then. The most Scriptural way to describe the sufferings of Christ is not by laboring to excite sympathy through highly-coloured descriptions of his blood and wounds. Usually the crier went before with an announcement such as this, "This is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, who for making himself a King, and stirring up the people, has been condemned to die." Certainly it is so with you; you do but carry the light end of the cross; Christ bore the heavier end. 2 And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His head, . He did not spare his Son the stripes. He would have sacrificed himself to save his countrymen, so heartily did he desire their eternal welfare. In fact, the tendency is to exalt man above God and give him the highest place. Our glorious Samson had been fighting our foes; heaps upon heaps he had slain his thousands, and now like Samson he was sore athirst. He goes forth, then, bearing his cross. Who among us would not willingly pour out his soul unto death if he might but give refreshment to the Lord? The extreme tension produced a burning feverishness. Come, bring him your warm heart, and let him drink from that purified chalice as much as he wills. What doth he say? Yet, dear friends, to some eyes there will be more attraction in the procession of sorrow, of shame, and of blood, than in you display of grandeur and joy. So he was thirsting then. Oh! It is said that a German regiment was at that time stationed in Judea, and I should not wonder if they were the lineal ancestors of those German theologians of modern times who have mocked the Savior, tampered with revelation, and cast the vile spittle of their philosophy into the face of truth. May we not be half ashamed of our pleasures when he says, "I thirst"? The spear broke up the very fountains of life; no human body could survive such a wound. John 18:19-40 - Glory on Trial A. And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. Pilate, as we reminded you, scourged our Savior according to the common custom of Roman courts. This is a kind of sweet whereof if a man hath much he must have more, and when he hath more he is under a still greater necessity to receive more, and so on, his appetite for ever growing by that which it feeds upon, till he is filled with all the fulness of God. Jesus paused, and said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me; but weep for yourselves and for your children." Here is the forgiveness of sin free forgiveness in answer to the Saviour's plea. As he commends his spirit into the Father's hand, so does he bring all believers nigh to God, and henceforth we are in the hand of the Father, who is greater than all, and none shall pluck us thence. Do not let us forget the infinite distance between the Lord of glory on his throne and the Crucified dried up with thirst. 19:1-18 Little did Pilate think with what holy regard these sufferings of Christ would, in after-ages, be thought upon and spoken of by the best and greatest of men. And well they may; the son of such noble parents deserves a nation's love. They prefer a ceremonial pompous and gaudy; the swell of music, the glitter of costly garments, the parade of learning all these must minister grandeur to the world's religion, and thus shut out the simple followers of the Lamb. The last expiring word in which he commended his spirit to his Father, is the note of acceptance for himself and for us all. After our Lord Jesus Christ had been formally condemned by Pilate, our text tells us he was led away. O to be enlarged in soul so as to take deeper draughts of his sweet love, for our heart cannot have enough. If we be true to our Master we shall soon lose the friendship of the world. We will now take the text in a third way, and may the Spirit of God instruct us once again. It is a blow at the fable of purgatory which strikes it to the heart. Let there be nothing but your religion to object to, and then if that offends them let them be offended, it is a cross which you must carry joyfully. Our Lord in his death-cries, as in all else, was perfection itself. Mark you, the ransom of men was all paid by Christ; that was redemption by price. But how vast was the disparity! May God deliver you! I cannot give you more than a mere taste of this rich subject, but I have been most struck with two ways of regarding our Lord's last words. Let us muse upon the fact that Jesus was conducted without the gates of the city. I cannot think that natural thirst was all he felt. Christ does exempt you from sin, but not from sorrow; he does take the curse of the cross, but he does not take the cross of the curse away from you. He sipped of the vinegar, and he was refreshed, and no sooner has he thrown off the thirst than he shouted like a conqueror, "It is finished," and quitted the field, covered with renown. Believing this, let us tenderly feel how very near akin to us our Lord Jesus has become. Includes cross references, questions, verse by verse commentary, outline, and applications on John chapter 19 for small groups. Your path runs hard by that of your Master. Inductive Bible study on John 19. It was, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered thy children together as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but ye would not!" May we not despise our loaded table while he is neglected? and the answer shall come back, "Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh." sinner, if God hides his face from Christ, how much less will he spare you! O Lord Jesus, we love thee and we worship thee! John 19:28 . One would wish to be as a spouse, who, when she had already been feasting in the banqueting-house, and had found his fruit sweet to her taste, so that she was overjoyed, yet cried out, "Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples, for I am sick of love." And yet he placed himself for our sakes into a position of shame and suffering where none would wait upon him, but when he cried, "I thirst," they gave him vinegar to drink. Volume 19, Sermons 1089-1149 (1873) Hide. The high places of earth's worship and honor are not for us. Scripture provides a wealth . I suppose that the "I thirst" was uttered softly, so that perhaps only one and another who stood near the cross heard it at all; in contrast with the louder cry of "Lama sabachthani" and the triumphant shout of "It is finished": but that soft, expiring sigh, "I thirst," has ended for us the thirst which else, insatiably fierce, had preyed upon us throughout eternity. You have, then, no true sympathy for Christ if you have not an earnest sympathy with those who would win souls for Christ. While thus we admire his condescension let our thoughts also turn with delight to his sure sympathy: for if Jesus said, "I thirst," then he knows all our frailties and woes. Are you lukewarm? It is almost done, thou Christ of God; thou hast almost saved thy people; there remaineth but one thing more, that thou shouldst actually die, and hence thy strong desire to come to the end and complete thy labour. 36 These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: "Not one of his bones will be broken,"[ a] 37 and, as another scripture says, "They will look on the one they have pierced."[ b] Read full chapter Footnotes Thirst was all he felt the fourth place, one or two words upon Christ 's FELLOW-SUFFERERS thirst '' evil. ) Pilate hopes to satisfy the mob by having Jesus whipped and mocked us would not willingly pour out soul. Us tenderly feel how very near akin the thirsty Saviour is to us our Lord in his,! Thirst was all paid by Christ ; that was redemption by price put to pain stand out:1 cross! Spurgeon December 1, 1861 Scripture: John 19:30 from: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 7 is. 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