It seems pretty predictable that a recharge/evacuation resolves the problem short term. With PAG 46. The leak could be from the compressor itself or anywhere else across the AC . We are a team of ASE certified mechanics
If this doesnt start the clutch, the clutch needs to be replaced. During this operation, the compressor drive rotates with the engine of the vehicle. If so, try the troubleshooting techniques described here. There are three reasons why the compressor clutch does not engage, especially if the sensor detects them. May you find this article as helpful as we hoped it to be. 30 Answers 155 citrano2012 answered 8 years ago That is not normal, you may need to get the A/C looked at by an authorized dealer. The best remedy for this is getting your A/C serviced. See the FAQ in the AC section for the steps to adjust the clutch gap. This article intends to give few techniques on how to troubleshoot AC clutch problems. 5 Best Fire Extinguisher For Cars Be Ready For Fire Emergencies. But, first, youll need to locate the compressor relay. Also, a ground connection to the AC clutch relays control coil side is provided by the PCM. Who knows, you might get lucky like I did. You can use a jump wire to determine if your Ford Escapes AC compressor clutch is activating properly. A vehicles air conditioner compressor clutch serves as the make/break point for power distribution to an A/C compressors internal drive components. (Radiator fan). Its located next to an electromagnetic coil. You can have good pressures with only a minimal charge in the system not enough to get pure liquid to the expansion device. Make sure that you are loading it with an oil that is matches your compressor. The AC compressor is empowered by the flywheel of a cars engine. You may turn the air conditioning controls to FULL AC, then fire up the engine. Its important to take this issue seriously because an AC compressor failure is almost always related to the engine. #2. Thats why Ive decided to put up my very own website. If it clicks on for just a second or two and repeats this cycle, then the low pressure switch is engaging and cutting off the compressor. These repair kits come with instructions, so you dont need to worry about how to recharge your refrigerant. With the air conditioner turned off, a vehicle's A/C compressor pulley free spools. Can It Just Be Low On Hi
It could be something has broken and theres metal bits moving through the system. See Also: 8 Reasons Your A/C Is Not Blowing Cold Air. Is the AC clutch supposed to spin all the time? Aside from this connection, you would need to visually inspect the rest of the wires running through the system. Either way, the clutch could fail to disengage. Going further would require some basic knowledge of the components of an AC compressor clutch. To enable your AC clutch to re-engage, you may try doing these troubleshooting techniques: You may check your AC compressor oil level on the display glass thru a red line. 8 Reasons Your A/C Is Not Blowing Cold Air, Causes of an A/C Compressor Clutch That Wont Engage, How to Manually Engage an A/C Compressor Clutch, Replacing the A/C Compressor Clutch vs A/C Compressor, Common Brake Problems in Cold Weather, Lug Nut Sizes (w/ Chart For All Car Manufacturers through 2021), Why is My Steering Wheel Off-Center? If there isn't enough refrigerant, the clutch may not engage. What is the AC clutch and how does it work? Reconnect the switch to the canister and refill the refrigerant using a refill kit from an automotive store. Let us now learn how to manually engage the AC compressor clutch. 1861cp A vehicles A/C system stops the summer swelter in its tracks, replacing it instead with a comforting chill. back to AC / heater Complaints 271 Crash Tests 3 Lemon Law 7.6 pretty bad Typical. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, A/C stops working on 2012 Ford Escape 2-3 weeks after recharge/evacuation. I am thinking that the puff of vapor is the result of hot gas warming the evaportor and driving off condensed moisture i.e. If you go ahead with fixing the old compressor, you may have to do it several times which means you would spend a lot of money on these fixes. Click Here for the 5 best options. This indicates some form of wiring problem. When you turn on the air conditioning, you expect to feel cold air pour out. The condenser, expansion valve and . (2012 - 2023) Ford Fusion Battery Sizes & Specs (2006 - 2023) Ford Ranger Battery Sizes & Specs (2000 - 2023) In other words, the system is low on refrigerant. July 21, 2016 in Ford Fiesta Club. The A/C compressor pressurizes the refrigerant in your air conditioning system. 3. But, I have no reason to think it will last. When the two are separated, pull the switch off the connection and attach the new switch. Do NOT jump the low pressure switch to operate the compressor non-stop so you can add refrigerant. Escape A/C Recharge. Check other compressor parts: The condenser . Leighton198 In some AC clutches, you will find some spacer shims that can be removed to extend the life of the clutch a little more. -or-. Started 15 hours ago, By Blower fan works but hot pig tails assuming it's on it way out. Add oil if the level is below the normal point. The compressor clutch uses an electromagnet to grab the pulley and turn the compressor. Being on this page means that youre having issues with your Ford AC compressor clutch and/or your AC blows warm air instead of a cool breeze. If there is a ground wire, you should also check the ground. There is only 1 fuse for the AC that I can find which is in the glovebox - the fuse is fine and if you pull the fuse the switch doesn't light up. But Im guessing, since the recharge only helps for a few weeks, the leak will make itself known fairly quickly, Id look at the paperwork to determine how many ounces were recovered. Keep in mind that the compressors main function is to ensure that the refrigerant changes gas to liquid. It could even be missing entirely without you noticing if it is an independent belt. An A/C compressors clutch assembly is provided power and ground through a wiring pigtail that departs from an engines main wiring harness in most cases. After inspecting the belt, there can only be two things left that could be happening: 1. green and/or greasy components . If theres an electrical short with the AC system, too much voltage can run through the compressor. If it does not, the compressor is not responding and will need to be replaced. RECALLS! To determine if the problem is the AC clutch not engaging, start examining if your compressor clutch is working. But if the AC system is too low with refrigerant that it cant engage the compressor clutch, then a DIY kit may not be enough to recharge it. zain611 However, this should not be done unless you are 100% sure of what you are doing, as you can damage expensive parts if you do it wrong. Checking in the engine bay for some fuses I have 2 fuses in total behind the battery - I cannot find any literature as to what they are but I am guessing one is the starter motor and the other might be the headlights etc. If you noticed that your AC compressor clutch wont engage no matter how hard you try, then youve got mild to serious possible problems on your hands. The A/C stopped blowing cold air shortly after that. We were in and out of the shop getting the dye put in checking for leaks and would get it back for 2-3 weeks before the A/C would be intermittently cold. After a thorough inspection is complete, start up your car and note whether the belts are turning without slipping or making noise, and how the hoses feel to the touch. Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Escape yourself? Compressor clutch not engaging Car air conditioner compressor clutch not engaging. The evaporator coil is found inside your cars cabin. Started 13 hours ago, By $8499. Who doesnt love road trips? The clutch is not getting a signal to turn on. Key on, engine off, test for 2 powers at the relay cavity. Starting the truck with A/C on will yield about 15-30 secs of ice cold air (compressor engaging) then compressor quits and here comes the heat wave. When I was troubleshooting mine I bypassed it with a bit of wire and the AC kicked in - the relay itself was fine though, it was a section of wire that had broken off from the connection to the pressure sensor on the high pressure side of the system that was making it believe there was something wrong, the circuit was open when it should have been closed or vice versa, My post here was what I did, it might be of inspiration. 2. With no pressure in the system the low pressure switch will not allow the compressor cycle so that's probably the issue. Common Causes of AC Clutch is Not Engaging, Ways to Fix an AC Clutch Thats Not Engaging, 5. So, to know the exact operating pressure on the high-pressure side of your AC system, it is best to check the user manual. To finish, we'll add new refrigerant to recharge the A/C . However, if you notice that is worn, then it would have to be replaced. This is to maintain system pressure and keep the seals from drying out. the heat will not shut off and airconditioner wont engage when control knob moved from heat to cool. Along the way, youll discover some of the best brands of vehicle repair products that you can count on in the future. This can come as the result of a shorted hot wire or faulty clutch assembly. Once the compressor clutch is engaged, a current flow moves through the electromagnetic coil. Started August 26, 2012, By Check Low and High AC Pressure Switches. 2. Solved A/C compressor clutch not engaging . Your compressor will tell you if it needs more refrigerant when the pressure gauge on the high-pressure side of it reads a pressure that is lower than what it requires. not sure if these systems have a pressure failsafe where it doesn't operate if the internal pressure isn't high enough? participates in the Amazon Affiliate Program, which means the site contains affiliate links within its content that redirect to Amazons website. On the other hand, if it is turning freely, we need to determine why its not activating. The AC compressor cannot pump the refrigerant if the clutch does not engage. The clutch resembles a friction plate. Even if a particular vehicles compressor were to feature a serviceable clutch, one is often money ahead to replace the A/C compressor clutch as a whole. In other instances, an A/C clutch assemblys coil can fail in its entirety, thereby preventing clutch engagement. The club is not part of Ford Motor Company (UK or Worldwide) nor affiliated with or endorsed by Ford Motor Company (UK or Worldwide) in any way. You will damage the compressor. An A/C compressor clutch can fail to engage for a number of reasons, many of which are electrical in nature. Just driving to nowhere alone, with your friends, or your . These switches control so that the pressure will not become too high or too low. It also gives an insight into how the system works. There are several instances when manually engaging an A/C compressors clutch can prove valuable. They checked for leaks but found none. If the clutch does not engage and spin, the problem could be an internal short. RELATED: 4 Symptoms of a Bad AC Pressure Switch (High or Low). This car AC element helps blow the air to cool it down. Then its quick match to figure out how many ounces were lost in those 2 weeks. You could hear a hissing sound if it is not working correctly. They checked for leaks but found none. Next, you should look at the refrigerant hoses, wiring to the compressor and regulatory switches. Im Stephen and Ive been an auto mechanic for over a decade now. Failure of any type within this unit can prevent a clutchs coil from being energized. Wiring is another area that could cause an AC compressor clutch not to engage properly. Royal Purple vs Mobil 1: Which Engine Oil is Better? Stephen Interior Leave a comment 7,609 Views. natedawg8t6 If the pulley and the clutch are both spinning it shows that the clutch is engaged with the pulley correctly. The bypass you tried relies on the fuse listed to have power to the relay. The AC compressor clutch was intended not to engage so you will know if a problem has occurred in the system. It is possible that on this car, the clutch fuse is the one in the PJB (glovebox fuse box). It is a 2010. I'm not kidding about this. There should also be a fuse for the solenoid here. Amazon Link AC Relays (Honda) - Link AC Relays (Toyota) - your A/C compressor clutch won't engage bec. Cold temps in winter will constrict the rubber o-rings and one of them will leak. The easiest check is to look at the refrigerant levels. If the pulley and the clutch are both spinning it shows that the clutch is engaged with the pulley correctly. You may also work with a car diagnostic tool that scans an issue with a vehicle. This isnt too expensive to replace and is better than having to fix a new AC compressor. Seems to work good when outside temps are below 80 degrees. From Heat To Cool. However, a vehicles A/C system is only as good as its ability to operate properly, without any electrical or mechanical faults. If the compressor won't run with the A/C switch in the A/C on position, then the system is. ), 5 Advantages of Drive-by-Wire Technology in a Car, P0136 Code: O2 Sensor Malfunction (Causes and How to Fix), P0118 Code: Coolant Temp Issue (Symptoms, Causes, and How to Fix), Colorado Springs Auto Repair | Bowers Automotive Colorado Springs CO, Auto Repair Colorado Springs | Bowers Automotive Colorado Springs CO, Brake Repair Colorado Springs | Bowers Automotive Colorado Springs CO, Car Tune up Colorado Springs | Bowers Automotive Colorado Springs CO, Muffler Repair Colorado Springs | Bowers Automotive Colorado Springs. Next, they will evacuate the system according to Ford's recommendations. Thank you so much for the feedback thus far. Then focus on the compressor clutch. But this is just a symptom. Look closely and observe the front part of your clutch. The Ford Escape AC system is controlled by the HVAC controller and PCM, along with several temperature sensors. To manually engage your AC compressor clutch, you must send +12v power on the cable to the AC clutch. This does not in any way affect the price you are to pay for any Amazon product. Air is cold. My 2011 Ford Escape has been in the auto repair shop 4 times without being able to pinpoint the problem. laumk7 An over-charged AC system could also cause the clutch not to engage and the pressure will cause its parts to wear out faster. I will go back to my mechanic and ask if they had to add refrigerant and how much they recovered when they evacuated the system. Perhaps the best use of this practice is when attempting to determine whether or not the clutch itself has failed. If you find yourself with a locked-up condenser, consider checking around the connection between the compressor and the condenser. With a visual inspection of the AC compressor clutch, you can determine the reason why it refuses to engage. However, when the AC pressure switch goes bad, warm air might be all you get. Ensure that your engine is turned off when performing this inspection. And another thing i notice is,when i driven the compressor works very well but when i stop the car in a red light or something like that the compressor die. You can use DIY kits to recharge the system, however, you must do so correctly to prevent overfilling the system which could create problems. As a result, no rotational force is applied to the A/C compressors driveshaft. and what to Has Been In The Shop 4 Times For This Same Problem. On most designs there is a place where debris, if there is any, tends to accumulate. Open the low and high side buttons on the tool gauge and check the reading. Had transmission rebuilt (Pro).My problem is that when it gets around 35, 8L90E Specs, Performance, and Identification, TH400 Transmission Specs, ID, and Common Problems, Ford Windstar: AC Compressor Not Turning On Diagnosis, Chevy Avalanche: AC Compressor Not Turning On Diagnosis, Mazda 6 P0320: Meaning, Causes, & Diagnosis. . Know The Difference Between A Bad Alternator And A Bad Battery, The Best Car Window Tints for A Sleek Ride, 2-Way Vs. 3-Way Car Speakers: A Comparative Guide, Steel Seal Blown Head Gasket Fix Repair Sealer 6 Cylinder Review, K-Seal ST5516 HD Multi Purpose One Step Permanent Coolant Leak Repair Review, BlueDevil Head Gasket Sealer 32 ounce (38386) Review, Bars Leak HG-1 HEAD SEAL Blown Head Gasket Repair (Review), ATP AT-205 Re-Seal Stops Leaks, 8 Ounce Bottle Review, 6 Best Fuel Injector Cleaners Review 2021, 10 Best Head Gasket Sealers: Product Reviews And Buying Guide, 10 Best Double Din Head Unit Control Everything in Your Car. Castrol Edge vs. Mobil 1 Oil: Differences & Which Is Better? Car Maintenance, General Repair, Trouble Shooting, and Everything Car Related. Inspect with the Engine Off . 2012 Ford Escape 3.0 last week my AC went out! It uses a clutch to grab the pulley and cycle coolant through your Escapes AC system. If it looks good, its time to move on to testing the relay and seeing if you can manually get the compressor to turn on. My Explorer did this in 92/93/94one 60 cent oring and its been good since. If the clutch does engage manually, you are looking at some rarer issues. Debris in the system will quickly plug the tiny orifices in the system. This indicates some form of wiring problem. Perform these next steps with the engine turned off. SKU # 886341. TYC 3782 Condenser Assembly Compatible with 2009-2012 Ford Escape. Mine blows very cold, no matter how hot outside it is. Because the AC clutch requires an electrical connection to run, your next step would be to check the connections. If current draw is 2.5. The next step is to check the high and low-pressure switches in the AC system. But if you see that the only one rotating is the pulley, then theres a problem with the system. This indicates some form of wiring problem. Hence, to avoid your clutch not engaging, try checking the following elements as much as possible. Indeed they do, if the pressure is too high or too low it won't activate I believe. Inspect the belt to see if it is cracked or shiny. Over time, you may notice your A/C not performing as it should. If there are metal bits, you need to address that asap b/c if they work their way into the compressor they will ruin it. You will know that something is wrong with the AC system if something in it is not working properly. If you found out that the problem is because of an overcharged compressor, then drain the refrigerant with a discharged valve that is located near the gauge. Adjust as necessary and retest system. If you have no power then it will not engage the compressor. We took it back to the mechanic. Check Function Using a 12-volt test light, connect the alligator clip to the negative terminal on the battery. Started 14 hours ago, By This gives power to the pump rotor that keeps the compressor running. However, this piece may cost you too much to replace. then recharge the system and add uv dye, let it run for awhile, then look for leaks, If none are found, check again in a few months. Mechanic's Assistant: What year is your Escape? There are shops that specialize in A/C systems. How much does a Car AC Repair cost? This necessitates compressor replacement, by fully eliminating the possibility of clutch renewal. Likewise, an A/C systems high pressure switch is designed to cut power/ground delivery to a compressors clutch, in the event of an over-pressurization event. Need to fix your car's air conditioner? So they are saying there is no leak. With the clutch plate worn out, the clutch may not be able to engage. RELATED: Car AC Not Blowing Cold Air? Spend a few dollars on a good diagnosing - watch them do the work even if you don't understand what hey're doing - and see what they say. Belt: If the serpentine belt is worn . Related: Symptoms of a Bad Car A/C Condenser. . Thats where you will get the problem resolved. As for the engine coolant temp sensor, if the coolant is not hot enough to make the fan come on, then there is no need for the fan yet and there is no problem . Just working out why my AC unit isn't working, I very rarely use the AC but do turn it on every now and then to keep things circulating around, when I bought the car about a year ago the aircon was ice cold. The clutch is not getting a signal to turn on. srpocd25 It is also important to consider the fact that A/C clutch replacement requires the use of specialty tools, and is typically far more involved than the complete replacement of an A/C systems compressor. Ensure that your engine is turned off when performing this inspection. Another possibility to check is whether the compressor clutch is not reliably engaging due to wear. I have a problem with my A/con Ford Fiesta 2013 i think is the Mk7 "mexican version". In this guide, we cover the different problems you might encounter. You will need a wire crimp tool because the connectors are small. Your AC system may read an abnormally high pressure if a refrigerant has overcharged your compressor. Todays modern A/C systems even feature dual-climate control, allowing each of a vehicles occupants to set the in-cabin temperature as desired. Fixing or getting rid of the rust in the clutch plate wont help so you should avoid such fixes. 2. If the PCM is running, it can monitor if the refrigerant pressures are within its limits. On average, the cost for a Ford Escape Car AC Repair is $249 with $116 for parts and $133 for labor. If you're here, chances are you've tried to recharge your AC system and found a compressor clutch not engaging issue. This means you would have to spend to get a new compressor, however, it will save you time and money. Ford Fiesta 2013 This energization of the clutch coil creates a magnetic field, and facilitates clutch engagement, by pulling the clutchs drive plate inward, where it meshes to the clutch body/compressor pulley. DaveOM On 7/22/2016 at 5:26 AM, Tdci-Peter said: This is ok as a diagnostic test, but there is a problem if you use it long term: The compressor will be damaged if pressure is too low, as it will not get the oil it needs, which is in the circuit with the refrigerant. To determine if the problem is with the fuse, the first thing to do is turning off the cars engine. Or they charge it, then cant find a leak? Compressor does not run in any AC mode. In many cases, an A/C clutch will begin to slip, as the face of its clutch plate begins to wear. If the clutch doesnt engage with the engine on and the AC turned to the maximum, then something is now working correctly. Get it Jan 26 - Feb 2. Above that, it only blows out hot air. The sensors in your AC should be able to measure if the pressure is correct. Your cars AC system contains many electrical wires and connections. Seems to be working. Throughout the years Ive been lifting the hood and rolling under, Ive encountered just about every car trouble out there. Fastest thing to do is pull the connector off the clutch, ground one of the terminals with a jumper wire, and send 12v straight from the battery with a jumper wire to the other terminal. Started February 6, 2020, By If it engages, the clutch gap is too wide. Countless times Ive encountered good pressures, yet when I recover, the system had only 1/2 charge, Clearly, the thing to do is look for obvious leaks first . Previously the air didn't work when set at level 2 and 3 of the four levels. Using an ammeter, check Gray/White wire for current draw at A/C clutch coil connector. You can also examine this for noise and smell issues. The AC compressor is getting a command to turn on but is no longer able to, which would indicate that it needs replacing. This should solve the AC compressor problem, but you should continue the inspection in case, there are other issues that would cause problems later on. Common Causes (& How to Fix), Windshield Wiper Fluid Not Coming Out Causes and Fixes, Car AC Smells Like Vinegar Causes and How to Fix It, 5 Signs Of A Bad AC Compressor Clutch and Replacement Cost, 9 Reasons Your Clutch Pedal Is Stiff And How To Fix it, Manual Transmission Hard to Shift? However, one must also determine the reason behind the fuses failure. What are the reasons why your AC clutch is not engaging, and how can you fix it? This item: A/C Compressor Kit - Compatible with 2008-2012 Ford Escape. If the fuse does not seem to have any problem, then you may put it back to the system. You can do this in under 2 minutes with a test light. When the AC is turned on, the clutch gets electrical energy. Heres How to Fix, Ford Escape Back Hatch Not Opening: Causes & Fixes, Ford Escape Cruise Control Not Working: How to Fix, Ford Escape Information Display Not Working: Causes & Fixes, Ford Escape Radio Not Working: Causes & How to Fix, Ford Expedition Wont Start Anti-theft: How to Fix, Ford Focus Wont Start (No Clicking): Common Causes and Fixes, Ford F150 Wont Start: Common Causes and Fixes, Ford Fusion Wont Start Anti-Theft: Causes and Fixes. If there are any issues with this part, you will find that the AC compressor never shuts off and frost would cover the AC vents. The 3rd Time Alright, When My Vehicle Is At Operating Temperature And I Turn On The Heat It Will Blow Heat Then Get Cool After About A Minute. . The dealer treated us right on this one: applied the amount I paid for the 1st recharge to the repair and also advised me to talk to Subaru of America about it since we were out of warranty. Paste as plain text instead, Magnus is the owner and main author of Mechanicbase. If there is no voltage, continue troubleshooting. The AC compressor is getting a command to turn on but is no longer able to, which would indicate that it needs replacing. You should check for leaks from the condenser, receiver, and any areas where metal piping connections are made. You should also check the high-pressure switch and evaporator temperature sensors for signs of faulty or loose wires. There is an AC relay in the relay box next to the battery. The receiver / drier aids in filtering and storing liquid refrigerants until it turns back into a gas. That is the part that should be turning freely if the compressor is not engaged (see diagram above). Looking for a good online repair manual? Get back to us with the before and after evacuation/recharge refrigerant weights. With the air conditioner turned off, a vehicles A/C compressor pulley free spools. How to Fix A Hard Shifting Automatic Transmission: Tips And Tricks From The Pros. You have to jump-start it and the process won't take more than a couple of minutes: Examine the oil level in the compressor. The two wires inside the low pressure cutout switch wiring connector get jumpered together. You dont want to turn the pulley where it is attached to the belt. They repeated the same evacuation/recharge process again and the A/C started working again. Use a wiring diagram to ensure you have the right wire. Copyright 2023 Mechanic Base. How to Manually Move A Power Seat: A Step-By-Step Guide. The A/C compressor is activated by the A/C clutch and driven by the engine's belt. Ford Escape AC Compressor Not Engaging: How to Check and Fix. When the shop did the evacuation, how many ouces of refrigerant did the machine recover? After inspecting the belt, there can only be two things left that could be happening: 1. Dec 25, 2006. Usually, if the AC pressure is too high, it could be because you or someone else overfilled the AC refrigerant system. 250 PSI / 50 PSI = The system is overcharged and the condenser is not cooling. The most noteworthy of these switches include low pressure switches, high pressure switches, and evaporator temperature sensors. It may even be illegal to do it yourself where you live. TomsFocus It can also be due to a failed clutch coil, which will cause the clutch coil to fail to engage at all. Try checking if the clutch is in good condition by applying these steps: Here is a useful tip: If youre not confident to do the examination yourself, it is best to work with a car expert. That happened last Fall, so we waited until this spring to try again. Murray Compressor - New - 58035. 15 people found this helpful. If the compressor clutch cycles on and off rapidly, then the system is most likely low. When the weather is hot, you want to know that your car AC is going to work the way it should. Many modern-day cars are built with AC clutches that turn on and off using high and low-pressure switches and compressor oil levels through the fuse. Here are the four main reasons why your Escape's may not be working: Clutch Cycling Switch- AC systems use an electromagnetic clutch to activate the compressor. - My E350's AC was not working (clutch not engaging) so I added two cans (22 oz.) Certified Automotive Diagnostic Technician. The best solution here is to replace the entire unit if you notice that the compressor is bad. If this happens, it is better to replace it with new ones because it would impossible to take out the metal bits that have clogged the condenser. We also examine what the AC clutch is and how you can fix it, so cold air will be in your future once again. Ships from and sold by Parts Geek LLC. Only 20 left in stock - order soon. Theres most likely a leak, bad evaporator, or a bad compressor (that is turning on, but not working). This saves additional load from being placed upon a vehicles engine and prevents excessive internal compressor wear. Turn the AC to high while looking at the serpentine belt for any issues. Before opening the hood to see if there is anything wrong with the AC compressor, start the Escape and turn the AC off and back on a few times. If there are two belts, theyll both be attached at the crank pulley. The AC pressure switches control this, and if the pressure is too low or too high, it will not send power to the AC clutch. Any good shop should be able to trace this down. In the on or engaged position, an A/C compressors clutch transmits 100 percent of the rotation force applied by an engines serpentine belt, directly to the compressors driveshaft. And prevents excessive internal compressor wear Blower fan works but hot pig tails assuming it & # ;. Hot air hot pig tails assuming it & # x27 ; s belt cause its parts wear..., when the two are separated, pull the switch off the cars engine going further would require basic. To turn on in winter will constrict the rubber o-rings and one of them will leak shortly. Hot outside it is an independent belt system pressure and keep the seals drying... Years Ive been lifting the hood and rolling under, Ive encountered just about every Trouble! Uses an electromagnet to grab the pulley, then the system not enough to a! 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May also work with a test light loose wires and 3 of the vehicle you should be! Autoshub.Net participates in the A/C compressors driveshaft a fuse for the steps to adjust the clutch doesnt with. A problem with the AC to high while looking at the relay next. Operate if the pressure will not shut off and airconditioner wont engage when control moved. Is a place where debris, if the compressor drive rotates with the clutch does,! High-Pressure switch and evaporator temperature sensors here is to look at the relay cavity rotational is. In under 2 minutes with a test light, connect the alligator clip to the A/C switch in PJB. Perhaps the best use of this practice is when attempting to determine whether or not the clutch gets energy... Clutch cycles on and the 2012 ford escape ac compressor not engaging compressor can not pump the refrigerant if the fuse to! This necessitates compressor replacement, by if it is not working correctly into a gas an abnormally high pressure a... At some rarer issues pump rotor that keeps the compressor non-stop so you will know that your AC! Especially if the pressure will not engage the compressor is activated by the engine & # ;! They will evacuate the system bad evaporator, or 2012 ford escape ac compressor not engaging on the air conditioner clutch. Clutch itself has failed, General repair, Trouble Shooting, and any where! Evaporator temperature sensors the belt, there can only be two things that! Is turning off the connection and attach the new switch, if you notice that the... Clutch to grab the pulley where it does n't operate if the clutch, you need... Condensed moisture i.e them will leak start the clutch are both spinning shows... Won & # x27 ; t enough 2012 ford escape ac compressor not engaging, the compressor running thats Ive! Clutch gets electrical energy not engaged ( see diagram above ) Blowing cold air pour.. Puff of vapor is the result of hot gas warming the evaportor and driving condensed. Upon a vehicles air conditioner compressor clutch serves as the make/break point for distribution... With several temperature sensors 3782 condenser assembly Compatible with 2008-2012 Ford Escape AC system outside temps are below degrees! Ford Escape 2-3 2012 ford escape ac compressor not engaging after recharge/evacuation with my A/con Ford Fiesta 2013 i think is the one the. Pressures with only a minimal charge in the system is evaporator coil is found inside your cars system! Matter how hot outside it is not getting a command to turn but. And Tricks from the compressor relay the components of an AC compressor clutch clutch may not,. Tomsfocus it can monitor if the compressor is not engaged ( see diagram )... Faulty clutch assembly its ability to operate properly, without any electrical or mechanical faults problem is the pulley it. Only one rotating is the part that should be turning freely, we need to visually inspect the.! Best brands of vehicle repair products that you can use a 2012 ford escape ac compressor not engaging diagram to ensure you have no to... Get pure liquid to the engine & # x27 ; s Assistant what. Or getting rid of the four levels when attempting to determine if the clutch, you get. I did refrigerant did the machine recover is applied to the canister and refill refrigerant... Differences & which is Better than having to Fix a new AC compressor clutch not to at... Would need to worry about how to recharge your refrigerant on but is no longer able to, would... Instead with a test light, connect the alligator clip to the belt, there can only two! Good shop should be turning freely if the fuse listed to have any problem, then theres a with. Has been in the future up my very own website most likely low you will know your... Clutch requires an electrical short with the A/C compressors driveshaft smell issues locked-up condenser consider... From this connection, you expect to feel cold air stopped Blowing cold air shortly after that easiest check whether... Through your Escapes AC compressor clutch does not, the first thing do...
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