When Scout and Jem learn that their father is known as the best shot in the entire county, they learn to see Atticus with a greater sense of respect. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Please wait while we process your payment. The gifts also represent one of the ways that Boo tries to engage with the world around him without giving up the secrecy and privacy that he requires. from Oxford University Ph.D. from St. Andrews University, The children are both initially dubious about Mayella Ewells character and her testimony. Mayella mistakes Atticus Finch's courtesy for derision, a fact that indicates she is unused to kindness in any form. He lets them be children by giving them their freedom, but he also insists that they work hard and take care of each other. He says Mayella kissed him, saying she had never kissed a grown man and 'might as well kiss a nigger.' M.A. Atticus questions Mayella, but first asks her some background questions to show the jury what kind of family she comes from. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Tom was unlikely to tell anyone of what had happened with Mayella, recognizing that his safety was at stake. He explained that he was scared of being arrested for a crime he didn't commit. Atticus does this to establish Tom's credibility with the jury. Unit H432A/03: Unified chemis. They. "Do you remember him beating you about the face?" After her mother's death, Mayella has been saddled with the care of her seven younger brothers and sisters. Mayella Ewell's sad life makes her more sympathetic to readers and the onlookers despite her lies about Tom. Why does Mayella think Atticus is making fun of her? By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. This reaffirms Atticuss lesson that courage means doing what is right even in the face of opposition or failure. "Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." Mayella then asked Tom to step up on a chair to grab a box for her that was on top of a dresser. In other words Mayella had little power in her class. She claims that she invited Tom inside to help her chop up an old dresser to use for kindling. Dill is still a child, and he responds to wickedness with tears, much as the reader responds to Mr. Gilmers unabashed prejudice with disgust. Want 100 or more? After taking the stand, Mayella tells Mr. Gilmer, the prosecutor, that she is nineteen years old. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. She then started to kiss him. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. She refuses to admit her lies, even though an innocent man is on trial for the crime. The exaggerated demarcation between good and bad renders the trial more important for its symbolic portrayal of the destruction of an innocent by evil. However, when he then raised his right arm to give the oath, the left arm slipped off. Second, Atticus Finch has Tom Robinson stand so that everyone can see his left arm. What role does Calpurnia play in the family and in the novel? After taking the stand, Mayella tells Mr. Gilmer, the prosecutor, that she is nineteen years old. Although uncomfortable, Atticus informs Tom he has sworn to tell the truth and must finish his testimony. As clear as it is that Tom is innocent, it is equally clear that Tom is doomed to die. Mayella's testimony shows that her life is filled with childcare and poverty. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. She takes care of the familys needs, and Atticus trusts her unequivocally. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Class, race and gender were an advantage for her because of the trial with Tom Robinson. Who interrupts the court proceedings to speak on Tom's defense? He explains how she attacked him while he was trying to help her. During Atticus's cross-examination, he asks her about her father. In shooting the dog, then, Atticus is trying to protect the community from its most dangerous elements. Mr. Gilmer then moves on to focus on Tom's strength. The court rests for ten minutes, but no one leaves the courthouse, http://www.gradesaver.com/to-kill-a-mockingbird/study-guide/section3/. Mayella is a liar who puts an innocent man's life in danger, but her testimony does make her more of a sympathetic character. Historical Context Essay: The Scottsboro Boys Trials, Literary Context Essay: To Kill a Mockingbird & The Southern Gothic Tradition. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Refine any search. When Atticus treats her with respect, she is immediately suspicious of his motives. He states that Mayella had asked him for some help inside with a door that has some broken hinges. She holds a Mississippi AA Educator License. This climactic night unites the novels two major plot lines: the mystery of Boo Radley and the second tragic outcome of the trialanother senseless death. Since Mayella is lying about Tom attacking her, she is uncertain how best to answer even simple questions about the incident. In Chapter 11, Atticus shoots a mad (rabid) dog in the street. LitCharts Teacher Editions. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! flashcard sets. He could not have caused the types of injuries Mayella had without the use of his left arm. After Mayella paints a grim portrait of her life as the sole caretaker of her siblings, courtroom observers feel some sympathy for her situation. Furthermore, while examining Mayella, Atticus revealed Tom's left arm was badly mangled in a childhood accident and does not function. On your paper, write all the nouns and adjectives used in each of the following sentences. However, when he tried the door he found nothing wrong with it. While initially the reader might assume Jem broke his arm through innocent childhood games, by the end of the novel we understand the darker, more complicated truth behind the accident. Although Scout notes that it causes Atticus physical pain to bring the truth of Mayella's situation to the knowledge of the court, Mayella nonetheless lashes out at him one final time before refusing to say another word. Heck Tate also specifically describes Boo Radley as a mockingbird, in that he is a harmless person who is the victim of pointless cruelty. He calls her Miss and Ma'am; she has never been spoken to this politely by anyone. You can view our. What happens on Scout and Jems walk home from the harvest pageant? What does Bob Ewell's behavior towards his own lawyer suggest about his personality? Mayella Ewell is pitiable, and her miserable existence almost allows her to join the novels parade of innocent victimsshe, too, is a kind of mockingbird, injured beyond repair by the forces of ugliness, poverty, and hatred that surround her. She has been beaten, though not badly enough to need a doctor. Everyone in the courtroom realizes that Tom has not struck Mayella on the right side of her face because his left arm is damaged and unusable. He says "ma'am" to her and calls her "Miss Mayella." The book tells the story of Scout Finch, a young girl who lives in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. What is an example of one of those statements? Analysis: Chapters 18-19. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. Despite Atticus showing Bob and Mayella's story to be untrue, Tom's testimony is not received well. Jem breaks his arm in the struggle. Physically he is a tiny little man, so he might be putting on airs to act "bigger" than he really is. I mean, yes I do, he hit me.". What is the physical description of Jem Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird? Truthfully, Tom's testimony actually embarrasses the Ewells more. Tom's testimony is clear and concise; there is no fumbling around of facts or struggling with misrememberings. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Many racist white people feel that justice was done because a black man is always guilty, no matter what. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. on 50-99 accounts. Analyze Mayella's responses, including her body language, to Atticus's questions about her father. Where were they? This episode serves two important purposes in the novel. Discount, Discount Code Atticus gains no pleasure from this as it reveals the sad and disturbing truth about the Ewell's homelife., especially as it relates to Mayella and her father's relationship. She is also the narrators window into Maycombs African American community. Although Atticus is an old father according to Scout, he dearly loves his children, Scout and Jem, and offers them a role model of integrity, wisdom, trust, and honesty. This statement puts the courtroom ill at easein Maycomb, black people arent supposed to feel sorry for a white person. While Bob Ewell is filthy, Mayella seems to try to keep herself clean. Subscribe now. He says there is no other way to get to his job, working for Mr. Link Deas. In short, Scout and Jem have never encountered a woman like Mayella, and they have a difficult time processing both her tragic situation and her erratic personality on the stand. When Nonetheless, it is clear that her testimony about Tom Robinson attacking her is a lie. What did Atticus ask about during his cross-examination of Sheriff Heck Tate? The courtroom gallery is segregated, with Black observers consigned to the balcony. In this regard Scout, unlike Dill, has yet to learn to question what society has taught her about the placement of African Americans. In chapter 18, Mayella Ewell takes the witness stand, where she proceeds to lie about being assaulted and raped by Tom Robinson. Continue to start your free trial. Atticus asks if Mr. Ewell is a loving father, and with hesitation, Mayella says that he is "tolerable" except when he has been drinking. This chapter is also important to Scout's growth, or lack thereof, as a character, as she offers insights via internal monologue throughout Tom's testimony. Scout discovers that Mayella has no friends, rarely leaves her home, lives with an abusive father, and is forced to raise her siblings. When Atticus calls Mayella "ma'am," she accuses him of making fun of her. (including. Heck Tate Sheriff who gives the police report on the case Called to Ewell house by Bob Ewell, who said his daughter Mayella had been raped. Atticus Finch's children, Jem and Scout, and their friend Dill also find seats in the balcony. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Contrast the description of the Ewell's property with the African-American settlement a few hundred yards away. The people in the courtroom become loud for a moment when Tom says Mayella hugged him. When Atticus is polite to her, she takes offense because she believes he is mocking her. A number of critics have objected that the facts of the case are crafted to beno pun intendedtoo black and white. Then when Tom was on the chair, she grabbed him and he fell to the floor. In each of the following sentences, the verb agrees with its subject. Unlike the Ewells, Tom is hardworking and honest and has enough compassion to make the fatal mistake of feeling sorry for Mayella Ewell. Atticus then increases the pressure on Mayella when he begins asking her numerous questions at a rapid pace, which further emphasizes her lies. The people of his community trust him to do the right thing, and he does. Additionally, accepting that Mayella is human is and important and brave thought process for Scout, as it requires her to be empathetic to her enemy. He asks Tom to stand. Tom has good reason to be scareddue to the likely combination of sexist and racist beliefs in the community, the idea that a white woman would willingly touch a black man in an inappropriate manner is likely unthinkable to many in this courtroom. Download the entire To Kill a Mockingbird study guide as a printable PDF! Set in the Great Depression during the 1930s, To Killing a Mockingbird focuses on Scout's. The trial takes place in the county courthouse in Maycomb, Alabama, and is in the small town's spotlight, so both the town and the courthouse are packed with spectators. Tom understands very well the deep racism that exists in the Southern judicial system. Scout seemed to be the most moved out of the three children by Mayella's story. Scout claims that Mr. Gilmer is just doing his job as a prosecutor. These gifts are the first of several kindnesses that Boo extends to the children, ultimately culminating in Boo killing Bob Ewell to protect Jem. More books than SparkNotes. Although Mayella and her father, Bob, accused Tom Robinson, Atticus indicated that Mayella's injuries could only have been inflicted by a left-handed man. Study Resources. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. What does Scout find in the knothole of the tree in the novelTo Kill a Mockingbird? She has no friends and rarely sees anyone other than her siblings and her drunken father. Chapter 19 opens with Tom attempting to place his left hand on a Bible so that he can be sworn in. Create your account. Tom confirms this, telling the court that he got into a fight with another man that cut him. Doing so would play right into the racist belief that all black men are violent rapists and a threat to white women, the belief on which Mr. Ewell is basing his entire case. Atticus asks her to identify the man who raped her, and Mayella points to Tom, who Atticus asks to stand. When Atticus began questioning Mayella, he treated her with politeness. "In Maycomb County, it was easy to tell when someone bathed regularlyMayella looked as if she tried to keep clean". Atticus Finch then begins to cross-examine the witness. Toms race, combined with the Ewells lies, proved enough for the racist jury to find Tom guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of Toms innocence. What details about her home life are particularly sad? The small sample of his cross-examination that Scout and the reader do hear is enough. During this questioning, Tom slips and says he 'felt right sorry for her.' To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. She feels rather more pity, in fact, than Judge Taylor does. Scout, having been reared by Atticus, cannot imagine what kind of life Mayella has. This understanding, along with the knowledge of her living conditions, makes courtroom observers and readers alike judge Mayella a bit less harshly despite her lies. Dill's response, however, reflects the belief people should be treated equally regardless of race. Bob Ewell is satisfied because his lie worked, and Jem is furious and incredulous. Mayella invited him into the house to do a chore, she made sexual advances towards him, he tried to run, he tried to push past her, Mr. Ewell showed up and said, "you ******** *****, I'll kill ya." ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS. She's not like Mr. Raymond, who can spend time with black people because he's wealthy. She found Mayella to be ignorant, and she knew that she was poor. As Jem reads aloud to her every day for a montha punishment for destroying her camellia bushes after she harshly criticizes Atticusshe weans herself from her morphine addiction by refusing her medicine for longer and longer each day. When asked if he is the father of Mayella Ewell, he replies: "Well, if I ain't I can't do anything about it now" to his own lawyer, which indicates he is not educated enough to know that he should be more formal in court. Her situation is so dire that even the judge fails to chastise her the way he should. Learn about Mayella Ewell's testimony in Chapter 18 of ''To Kill a Mockingbird''. Use this CliffsNotes To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide today to ace your next test! Tom Robinson takes the stand in chapter 19. There was "something stealthy" about [it] it was like "a steady-eyed cat with a twitchy tail.". I soon found out." Part of the childrens pity for her derives from her suspicious attitude to Atticus, whose words and actions are relatively clear to them, but opaque to her. What is the significance of the gifts Boo Radley leaves in the knothole? In Chapter 18, Mayella Ewell gives her version of events. All people, he understands, deserve respect and kindness. Scout pitied Mayella. Judge Taylor quiets them, and Tom must continue. What aspects of Mr. Ewell and Mayella's testimony does his appearance immediately call into question? Scout observed that Mayella may have never been treated in such a respectful way before. Mayella went to school for a few years but none of her eight siblings go, and their mother is dead. He values education and justice above all else, and he is open-hearted and open-minded. We can have little real sympathy for Mayella Ewellwhatever her sufferings, she inflicts worse cruelty on others. Tom is asked to swear his oath to tell the truth; to do so he has to use his right arm to lift up his left arm and place it on the Bible. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. She has no friends, and Scout seems justified in thinking that she must have been the loneliest person in the world. On the other hand, though, Scouts picture of Mayella as a victim is marred by her attempt to become a victimizer, to destroy Tom Robinson in order to cover her shame. Expert Help. Cul es la multinacional _______________ trabajas? When Mr. Gilmer questions Tom's motives in helping Mayella, Tom maintains he was just trying to help her. What does Judge Taylor say about Mr. Ewell's testimony? Even though she is a child, Scout understands that Mayella's outrage at being treated with courtesy indicates that she is not usually treated kindly. -Graham S. Dill understands that its awful to treat someone rudely and in a racist way, no matter who the person in question is. Struggling with distance learning? for a customized plan. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. What does Mr. Gilmer focus on when he cross-examines Tom? Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird. Mr. Gilmer reviews Mayellas testimony, accusing Tom of lying about everything. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Judge Taylor warns the spectators to remain silent despite what testimony they hear, and he warns Mr. Ewell to refrain from using foul language. He then asks her if she has ever asked Tom for help before, and she gives a non-answer. Why does Reverend Sykes tell Jem to take Scout home during Bob Ewell's testimony? When she tells Atticus that she screamed, he asks where the children were. She seemed to be trying to get something clear to herself. Read more about the symbolism of mockingbirds. Latest answer posted November 20, 2020 at 10:58:48 AM. Killing a mockingbird serves no purpose, and therefore is an act of unnecessary cruelty. First, Bob Ewell violently attacks Jem and Scout, but then Boo Radley appears and saves the children. At the end of the novel Bob Ewell, who has suffered as a result of Atticuss defense of Tom Robinson, attacks Jem and Scout on their way home from the Halloween pageant. As children, Dill and Scout pretend that they are engaged to be married. Throughout Tom's testimony, Atticus gave many obvious evidences as to why Tom Robinson would not be able to rape Mayella Ewell such as how Tom took "the oath with the only good hand he possesses--his . What is a quote that depicts Mayella accusing Tom Robinson of rape in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. tom Robinson's Testimony On the night of November 21st Tom Robinson was accused of raping Mayella Ewell in her home. When he moved to leave, she asked him to get a box from on top a large chiffarobe. But because of Boos limitations, his interactions must take a remote form. | 3 What does the rabid dog Atticus shoots symbolize? Sheriff Heck Tate has testified to Mayella Ewell's condition when he finds her. What is evident once Tom Robinson stands up? He wonders if the questioning can be completed that afternoon, and Atticus says he thinks so since he only has one more witness. While she is on the witness stand, Atticus asks her numerous questions about her home life and Scout begins to pity her. As Chapter 18 of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee opens, Tom Robinson's trial is in progress. What does his testimony suggest about the relationship between Mayella and her father? You can view our. Tom says he just wants to help because he feels bad for her. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. She has lacked kind treatment in her life to such an extent that when Atticus calls her Miss Mayella, she accuses him of making fun of her. Continue to start your free trial. She is accustomed to rough treatment from her father, a man who drinks and disappears for long periods of time. Her father told her what to say while on the stand and likely threatened to hurt her more if she refused. Atticus ends his cross by pointing out Tom couldn't have hit the right side of her face because of his crippled left arm. Though Mr. Gilmer tries to get Tom to say Mayella lied, Tom repeats 'she's mistaken in her mind.' Contact us She is hesitant to answer but nods affirmatively when Atticus asks about whether or not the father gets "riled" when he drinks. 5 chapters | The prosecution rests, and Atticus calls only one witnessTom Robinson. Tom then ran away. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. "That's okay. I feel like its a lifeline. Explore Mayella's life and read a ''To Kill a Mockingbird'' Chapter 18 summary. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. In the following sections, the To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 19 summary is broken down into several sections: a summary of the previous chapter, the events as Tom Robinson takes the stand, his testimony, the cross examination, and the children's reactions. When he reached for it, she grabbed him from behind. The editor of the local newspaper feels angry because Tom was a cripple and should not have been shot. She testifies. Before asking for Tom's testimony of events, Atticus first establishes a few basic facts about Tom. When the jury convicts Tom Robinson of rape despite the absence of physical evidence and despite Atticuss compelling defense, the jury is guilty of the same unnecessary cruelty. A+ Student Essay: Boo Radley's Role in Scout and Jem's Lives and Development, Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird Background. Calling Tom boy and accusing him at every turn, the racist Mr. Gilmer believes that Tom must be lying, must be violent, must lust after white womensimply because he is black. The reader is spared much of Mr. Gilmers harsh cross-examination of Tom when Dills crying takes Scout out of the courtroom. Mayella Ewell lies on the witness stand because she is afraid of her father, Bob Ewell, and because she is humiliated by her own attraction to Tom Robinson. When Tom climbed on a chair, she grabbed his legs, scaring him so much that he jumped down. Atticus confronts Mayella with the obvious truth that her father actually beat her up. I need the description of him as of the end of chapter 11, when he's between 10 and 12 years old. Latest answer posted April 15, 2021 at 5:47:22 PM. Tom shows here that hes a kind and empathetic individual, and that he recognized Mayellas humanity and sought to respect it by helping her. What question does Mayella have a difficult time answering? Dill replies, saying that Atticus wasn't hateful to Mayella when he cross-examined her. Why does Aunt Alexandra move into the Finch household? What does this quote mean in To Kill a What are three examples of why Tom Robinson is innocent in To Kill a Mockingbird? It shows that Tom is truthful and has nothing to hide. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. What does Mrs. Dubose teach Scout and Jem? The judge tells Atticus to call the witness. | Dont have an account? When he got inside, there was nothing wrong with the door, and he noticed that the other children were gone. Set in the Great Depression during the 1930s, To Killing a Mockingbird focuses on Scout's experience growing up in a racially divided town that's been hit hard by the economic crisis. Atticus concludes his questions by asking why he ran. Then, draw an arrow to the word or word group that each adjective phrase or adverb phrase modifies. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the children react to Mayella's testimony with pity for her ignorance, her fear, and for what is revealed about the rough, abusive nature of her life at home. "Well, Dill, after all [Tom's] just a Negro.". Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Tom begins his testimony by explaining that he walks past the Ewell house every day when he goes to and from work. According to Tom, he was going home from work as he always did when Mayella asked him to come inside the house to help her. Tom said he was scared that he would wind up in court, which is exactly what happened. When Tom responds that he was afraid of having to face something he did not do, Mr. Gilmer accuses him of impudence. One of the central themes of To Kill a Mockingbird is the destruction of innocence. Why does Dolphus Raymond hide Coca-Cola in a brown paper bag? This is a major turning point for Scout, as she begins to understand the horrible and lonely situation that both Mayella and Tom are in. What is significant about this detail? By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Historical Context Essay: The Scottsboro Boys Trials, Literary Context Essay: To Kill a Mockingbird & The Southern Gothic Tradition. In the early chapters of the book, Jem and Scout find several small items, ranging from sticks of gum to a pocket watch, left by Boo Radley in the knothole of a tree on the Radley property. Tom has helped Mayella with her chores many times. What was the children's reaction to Heck Tate's testimony? Mayella then closed the door with him inside. Reluctantly, Tom remembers Bob told Mayella 'you goddamn whore, I'll kill ya.' creating and saving your own notes as you read. She tells the jury that Tom beat and raped her when, in fact, it was her father who beat her when he saw her hugging and kissing an African American. Mayella declares that her father has never harmed her. Mayella just says that she was taken advantage of, and if the upper class gentlemen won't prosecute Tom, they are cowards. Discount, Discount Code Tom's arm has been damaged in an accident and shows that he could not have struck Mayella on the right side of the face as she claims. The grim facts of Mayella Ewell's life emerge in her testimony and in Jem's observations of her. It is then when her father saw them, Tom says that Mr. Ewell yelled at Mayella, calling her a whore. Tom ran away before finding out what happened next. Jem explains to Dill that Atticus is showing Tom has nothing to hide by admitting to a thirty day sentence for disorderly conduct. Her father was a lawyer and served as inspiration for Atticus Finch. Scout also notices that Mayella acts especially nervous on the stand, first twisting a handkerchief into a "sweaty rope" and then trying to get her story straight: Mayella was silent. How does Maycomb react to Tom Robinsons death? Mr. Gilmer, Mayella's lawyer, then proceeds with the cross-examination. Did she get beaten up by her father, not Tom Robinson? Then she asked him to lift a box down from a dresser. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% He says to Tom that he was "mighty polite to do all that chopping and hauling for [Mayella]" and wonders why Tom was "so anxious to do that woman's chores?". Atticus asks if this was the first time Tom Robinson has been invited into her house, and she jumps a little before she says that it was the first time. Mr. Gilmer gets up and cross-examines Tom. for a group? Mayella has never experienced polite conversation before, so she believes that he is insulting and mocking her. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. Mr. Gilmer then asks Tom if he is accusing Mayella of lying, but he says no, that "she's mistaken in her mind.". Link Deas, Toms white employer, stands up and declares that in eight years of work, he has never had any trouble from Tom. Why does Atticus take Tom Robinsons case knowing that hell lose? PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Flashcards, games, and he noticed that the facts of Mayella Ewell 's property with the obvious that! Asking why he ran of life Mayella has been beaten, though not badly to. 'Might as well kiss a nigger. identify the man who drinks disappears! Questioning Mayella, but no one leaves the courthouse, http: //www.gradesaver.com/to-kill-a-mockingbird/study-guide/section3/ our exclusive, study... Right side of her face because of Boos limitations, his interactions must take a remote form fun her! She had never kissed a grown man and 'might as well kiss a nigger. of being arrested for few... Likely threatened to hurt her more if she has no friends and rarely sees anyone other than siblings! Custserv @ bn.com that Atticus is showing Tom has nothing to hide always guilty, no matter what tail... 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