Learning how to deal with your urges is one of the most essential things that you will need to do to change your relationship with food, overeating, or eating when not hungry. This applies to not only the habit of overeating but really any habit.
I talk about urges a lot because they are so important, but I’ve been thinking about how I can distill down what I teach into simple steps, to help you practice it in your own life with more ease. So today, I’m giving you a refresher on exactly what food/eating urges are and why they aren’t a problem, and then how you can start dealing with your urges using a very simple three-step process.
What You’ll Learn from today’s video:
- What overeating urges are and why having them is totally normal.
- Why food urges aren’t a problem until you decide to say no to them.
- How practicing willpower doesn’t help to change the habit.
- The choice that you have when your eating urges appear.
- How to start extinguishing your desire for eating when not hungry.
- Why you have to get comfortable with feeling restless.
- A simple 3-step process to help you deal with any urge.https://vimeo.com/423720824https://vimeo.com/423720824